Aleksandar Kostic
Aleksandar Kostic
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Putting the bits together: An information theoretical perspective on morphological processing
FM del Prado Martın, A Kostić, RH Baayen
Cognition 94 (1), 1-18, 2004
Representation of inflected nouns in the internal lexicon
G Lukatela, B Gligorijević, A Kostić, MT Turvey
Memory & Cognition 8, 415-423, 1980
Paradigms bit by bit: An information theoretic approach to the processing of paradigmatic structure in inflection and derivation
P Milin, V Kuperman, A Kostic, RH Baayen
Analogy in grammar: Form and acquisition 10, 2009
Techno-functional properties of pea (Pisum sativum) protein isolates: A review
M Barać, M Pešić, S Stanojević, A Kostić, SB Čabrilo
Acta periodica technologica, 1-18, 2015
Morphological facilitation for regular and irregular verb formations in native and non-native speakers: Little evidence for two distinct mechanisms
LB Feldman, A Kostić, DM Basnight-Brown, DF Đurđević, MJ Pastizzo
Bilingualism: Language and cognition 13 (2), 119-135, 2010
The application of pollen as a functional food and feed ingredient—the present and perspectives
AŽ Kostić, DD Milinčić, MB Barać, M Ali Shariati, ŽL Tešić, MB Pešić
Biomolecules 10 (1), 84, 2020
Monolingual and bilingual recognition of regular and irregular English verbs: Sensitivity to form similarity varies with first language experience
DM Basnight-Brown, L Chen, S Hua, A Kostić, LB Feldman
Journal of memory and language 57 (1), 65-80, 2007
Organic facies and palynofacies: nomenclature, classification and applicability for petroleum source rock evaluation
M Ercegovac, A Kostić
International journal of coal geology 68 (1-2), 70-78, 2006
Physicochemical composition and techno-functional properties of bee pollen collected in Serbia
AŽ Kostić, MB Barać, SP Stanojević, DM Milojković-Opsenica, ŽL Tešić, ...
LWT-Food Science and Technology 62 (1), 301-309, 2015
Comparative study of the functional properties of three legume seed isolates: adzuki, pea and soy bean
MB Barac, MB Pesic, SP Stanojevic, AZ Kostic, V Bivolarevic
Journal of food science and technology 52, 2779-2787, 2015
Application of polyphenol-loaded nanoparticles in food industry
DD Milinčić, DA Popović, SM Lević, AŽ Kostić, ŽL Tešić, VA Nedović, ...
Nanomaterials 9 (11), 1629, 2019
Health benefits and applications of goji berries in functional food products development: A review
BB Vidović, DD Milinčić, MD Marčetić, JD Djuriš, TD Ilić, AŽ Kostić, ...
Antioxidants 11 (2), 248, 2022
Grammatical priming of inflected nouns
G Lukatela, A Kostić, LB Feldman, MT Turvey
Memory & Cognition 11, 59-63, 1983
Polyphenolic profile and antioxidant properties of bee-collected pollen from sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plant
AŽ Kostić, DD Milinčić, UM Gašić, N Nedić, SP Stanojević, ŽL Tešić, ...
Lwt 112, 108244, 2019
Kognitivna psihologija
A Kostić
Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 2006
Affective interpersonal touch in close relationships: A cross-cultural perspective
A Sorokowska, S Saluja, P Sorokowski, T Frąckowiak, M Karwowski, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 47 (12), 1705-1721, 2021
In vitro digestion of meat-and cereal-based food matrix enriched with grape extracts: How are polyphenol composition, bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity affected?
MB Pešić, DD Milinčić, AŽ Kostić, NS Stanisavljević, GN Vukotić, MO Kojić, ...
Food chemistry 284, 28-44, 2019
Phenolic compounds and biopotential of grape pomace extracts from Prokupac red grape variety
DD Milinčić, NS Stanisavljević, AŽ Kostić, SS Bajić, MO Kojić, UM Gašić, ...
Lwt 138, 110739, 2021
Universality of the triangular theory of love: Adaptation and psychometric properties of the triangular love scale in 25 countries
P Sorokowski, A Sorokowska, M Karwowski, A Groyecka, T Aavik, ...
The Journal of Sex Research 58 (1), 106-115, 2021
Phenolic and free amino acid profiles of bee bread and bee pollen with the same botanical origin–similarities and differences
NE Bayram, YC Gercek, S Çelik, N Mayda, AŽ Kostić, AM Dramićanin, ...
Arabian Journal of Chemistry 14 (3), 103004, 2021
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