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Wouter DuyckGhent UniversityEmail confirmado em ugent.be
André VandierendonckEmeritus Professor of Experimental Psychology, Ghent UniversityEmail confirmado em UGent.be
Frederick VerbruggenGhent UniversityEmail confirmado em ugent.be
Jon MayProfessor of Psychology, Plymouth UniversityEmail confirmado em plymouth.ac.uk
Jackie AndradeProfessor of psychology, Plymouth UniversityEmail confirmado em plymouth.ac.uk
Meylaerts Reinefull professor Comparative Literature - gewoon hoogleraar Vergelijkende Literatuur, KU LeuvenEmail confirmado em arts.kuleuven.be
Robert HartsuikerGhent UniEmail confirmado em ugent.be
Lieven De Marezimec-mict-UGentEmail confirmado em ugent.be
Marc BrysbaertProfessor of Cognitive Psychology, Ghent University, BelgiumEmail confirmado em ugent.be
Frederik AnseelDean and Professor UNSW Business School, UNSWEmail confirmado em unsw.edu.au
Klaas Bombekeimec-mict-UGentEmail confirmado em ugent.be
Wouter De BaeneAssociate Professor @ Tilburg University, Department of Cognitive NeuropsychologyEmail confirmado em tilburguniversity.edu
Tom VergutsGhent UniversityEmail confirmado em ugent.be
Jelle DemanetBusiness Developer emerging tech at IMEC/UgentEmail confirmado em ugent.be
Ineke ImboGhent UniversityEmail confirmado em UGent.be
Malte ElsonProfessor of Psychology of Digitalisation, University of BernEmail confirmado em unibe.ch
Arnaud Szmalec, PhD
Université catholique de Louvain, Universiteit Gent
Email confirmado em uclouvain.be