Susan S. Hubbard
Susan S. Hubbard
Deputy Laboratory Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Measuring soil water content with ground penetrating radar: A review
JA Huisman, SS Hubbard, JD Redman, AP Annan
Vadose zone journal 2 (4), 476-491, 2003
Thousands of microbial genomes shed light on interconnected biogeochemical processes in an aquifer system
K Anantharaman, CT Brown, LA Hug, I Sharon, CJ Castelle, AJ Probst, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13219, 2016
The emergence of hydrogeophysics for improved understanding of subsurface processes over multiple scales
A Binley, SS Hubbard, JA Huisman, A Revil, DA Robinson, K Singha, ...
Water resources research 51 (6), 3837-3866, 2015
Y Rubin, SS Hubbard
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
Soil moisture content estimation using ground-penetrating radar reflection data
IA Lunt, SS Hubbard, Y Rubin
Journal of hydrology 307 (1-4), 254-269, 2005
Relationships between the electrical and hydrogeological properties of rocks and soils
DP Lesmes, SP Friedman
Water Science and Technology Library 50, 87, 2005
Field‐scale estimation of volumetric water content using ground‐penetrating radar ground wave techniques
K Grote, S Hubbard, Y Rubin
Water resources research 39 (11), 2003
Estimation of permeable pathways and water content using tomographic radar data
SS Hubbard, JE Peterson Jr, EL Majer, PT Zawislanski, KH Williams, ...
The leading EDGE 16 (11), 1623-1630, 1997
Estimation of field‐scale soil hydraulic and dielectric parameters through joint inversion of GPR and hydrological data
MB Kowalsky, S Finsterle, J Peterson, S Hubbard, Y Rubin, E Majer, ...
Water Resources Research 41 (11), 2005
Hydrogeological characterization of the South Oyster Bacterial Transport Site using geophysical data
SS Hubbard, J Chen, J Peterson, EL Majer, KH Williams, DJ Swift, ...
Water Resources Research 37 (10), 2431-2456, 2001
Effect of Dissolved CO2 on a Shallow Groundwater System: A Controlled Release Field Experiment
RC Trautz, JD Pugh, C Varadharajan, L Zheng, M Bianchi, PS Nico, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (1), 298-305, 2013
Estimating the hydraulic conductivity at the South Oyster Site from geophysical tomographic data using Bayesian techniques based on the normal linear regression model
J Chen, S Hubbard, Y Rubin
Water Resources Research 37 (6), 1603-1613, 2001
Hydrogeological parameter estimation using geophysical data: a review of selected techniques
SS Hubbard, Y Rubin
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 45 (1-2), 3-34, 2000
Geophysical imaging of stimulated microbial biomineralization
KH Williams, D Ntarlagiannis, LD Slater, A Dohnalkova, SS Hubbard, ...
Environmental science & technology 39 (19), 7592-7600, 2005
Effects of physical and geochemical heterogeneities on mineral transformation and biomass accumulation during biostimulation experiments at Rifle, Colorado
L Li, CI Steefel, MB Kowalsky, A Englert, SS Hubbard
Journal of contaminant hydrology 112 (1-4), 45-63, 2010
Geophysical monitoring of coupled microbial and geochemical processes during stimulated subsurface bioremediation
KH Williams, A Kemna, MJ Wilkins, J Druhan, E Arntzen, AL N’Guessan, ...
Environmental science & technology 43 (17), 6717-6723, 2009
Quantifying and relating land-surface and subsurface variability in permafrost environments using LiDAR and surface geophysical datasets
SS Hubbard, C Gangodagamage, B Dafflon, H Wainwright, J Peterson, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 21 (1), 149, 2013
The East River, Colorado, Watershed: A mountainous community testbed for improving predictive understanding of multiscale hydrological–biogeochemical dynamics
SS Hubbard, KH Williams, D Agarwal, J Banfield, H Beller, N Bouskill, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-25, 2018
Ground‐penetrating‐radar‐assisted saturation and permeability estimation in bimodal systems
SS Hubbard, Y Rubin, E Majer
Water Resources Research 33 (5), 971-990, 1997
Understanding biogeobatteries: Where geophysics meets microbiology
A Revil, CA Mendonça, EA Atekwana, B Kulessa, SS Hubbard, KJ Bohlen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G1), 2010
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