Janet L. Hartley
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An exploration of supplier selection practices across the supply chain
TY Choi, JL Hartley
Journal of operations management 14 (4), 333-343, 1996
A replication and extension of quality management into the supply chain
H Kaynak, JL Hartley
Journal of operations management 26 (4), 468-489, 2008
Managing the buyer‐supplier interface for on‐time performance in product development
JL Hartley, BJ Zirger, RR Kamath
Journal of operations management 15 (1), 57-70, 1997
The effect of acceleration techniques on product development time
BJ Zirger, JL Hartley
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 43 (2), 143-152, 1996
Supplier development: customers as a catalyst of process change
JL Hartley, TY Choi
Business horizons 39 (4), 37-44, 1996
Tortoise, not the hare: Digital transformation of supply chain business processes
JL Hartley, WJ Sawaya
Business Horizons 62 (6), 707-715, 2019
Suppliers' contributions to product development: An exploratory study
JL Hartley, JR Meredith, D McCutcheon, ER Kamath
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 44 (3), 258-267, 1997
Supplier dependence: impact on supplier's participation and performance
AS Carr, H Kaynak, JL Hartley, A Ross
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 28 (9), 899-916, 2008
Managing operations across the supply chain
M Swink, SA Melnyk, JL Hartley
McGraw-Hill, 2020
Guanxi, IT systems, and innovation capability: The moderating role of proactiveness
M Zhang, JL Hartley
Journal of Business Research 90, 75-86, 2018
Quality management practices and their relationship to buyer’s supplier ratings: a study in the Korean automotive industry
S Park, JL Hartley, D Wilson
Journal of Operations Management 19 (6), 695-712, 2001
Process oriented supplier development: building the capability for change
JL Hartley, GE Jones
International journal of purchasing and materials management 33 (2), 24-29, 1997
A conceptual model of product development cycle time
BJ Zirger, JL Hartley
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 11 (3-4), 229-251, 1994
Exploring quality management practices and high tech firm performance
H Kaynak, JL Hartley
The Journal of High Technology Management Research 16 (2), 255-272, 2005
Supply-chain synchronization: lessons from Hyundai Motor Company
CK Hahn, EA Duplaga, JL Hartley
Interfaces 30 (4), 32-45, 2000
An exploration of the adoption of e-auctions in supply management
JL Hartley, MD Lane, Y Hong
IEEE Transactions on Engineering management 51 (2), 153-161, 2004
Circular supply chain management: Performance outcomes and the role of eco-industrial parks in China
M Farooque, A Zhang, Y Liu, JL Hartley
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 157, 102596, 2022
Determinants of new product designers' satisfaction with suppliers' contributions
DM McCutcheon, RA Grant, J Hartley
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 14 (3-4), 273-290, 1997
Examining supply market scanning and internal communication climate as facilitators of supply chain integration
GA Zsidisin, JL Hartley, ES Bernardes, LW Saunders
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 20 (5), 549-560, 2015
Using replication research for just-in-time purchasing construct development
H Kaynak, JL Hartley
Journal of Operations Management 24 (6), 868-892, 2006
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