Ricardo A. Ayala
Ricardo A. Ayala
University professor
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How does stigma influence mental health nursing identities? An ethnographic study of the meaning of stigma for nursing role identities in two Belgian psychiatric hospitals
C Sercu, RA Ayala, P Bracke
International journal of Nursing studies 52 (1), 307-316, 2015
Didáctica de la enseñanza: prácticas ejemplares en el sector salud
R Ayala-Valenzuela, M Torres-Andrade
Educación Médica Superior 21 (2), 0-0, 2007
Congruencia entre el diseño curricular y la evaluación de los aprendizajes esperados en cátedras impartidas en una universidad chilena
R Ayala, H Messing, C Labbé, NI Obando
Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia) 36 (1), 53-67, 2010
Academisation of nursing: An ethnography of social transformations in Chile
RA Ayala, GM Fealy, R Vanderstraeten, P Bracke
International Journal of Nursing Studies 51 (4), 603-611, 2014
Blessed art thou among women: Male nursing students and gender inequalities in Chile
RA Ayala, MT Holmqvist, HB Messing, RF Browne
Nurse education today 34 (12), 1480-1484, 2014
Comprender los enunciados en un examen escrito:¿ dónde está el problema?
R Ayala-Valenzuela, H Messing-Grube
Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 27 (2), 211-219, 2013
Trastornos menores de salud como factores asociados al desempeño académico de estudiantes de enfermería
RA Valenzuela, MP Uribe, IO Calderón
Enfermería Global 9 (1), 2010
Aspectos axiológico-culturales de la ética y el cuidado
MJ Calvo-Gil, R Ayala-Valenzuela, M Holmqvist-Curimil, C Molina-Díaz
Acta bioethica 17 (1), 133-141, 2011
The image of ethnography—Making sense of the social through images: A structured method
RA Ayala, TF Koch
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 18, 1609406919843014, 2019
Un zoom a la educación virtual: biopolítica y aprendizaje centrado en el estudiante
R Ayala
Educación médica 22 (3), 177-180, 2021
Evidencias para la filosofía de Watson: versión preliminar del caring behaviors assessment en Chile
R Ayala-Valenzuela, MJ Calvo-Gil, MC Torres-Andrade, T Koch-Ewertz
Revista Cubana de Enfermería 26 (1), 42-51, 2010
Towards a sociology of nursing
RA Ayala
Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
Cultural adaptation and validation of the Caring Behaviors Assessment tool in Chile
RA Ayala, MJ Calvo
Nursing & health sciences 19 (4), 459-466, 2017
Exploring historical conflicts between midwives and nurses: a perspective from Chile
R Ayala, L Binfa, R Vanderstraeten, P Bracke
Journal of Interprofessional Care 29 (3), 216-222, 2015
Making science international: Chilean journals and communities in the world of science
T Koch, R Vanderstraeten, R Ayala
Social Studies of Science 51 (1), 121-138, 2021
Understanding the prospect of success in professional training: an ethnography into the assessment of problem-based learning
RA Ayala, TF Koch, HB Messing
Ethnography and education 14 (1), 65-83, 2019
Beyond ubiquity: Unravelling medicalisation within the frame of health insurance and health-policy making
S Van den Bogaert, RA Ayala, P Bracke
Social Theory & Health 15 (4), 407-429, 2017
Biopoder: el poder y la violencia en la formación de profesionales de enfermería
R Ayala-Valenzuela
Educación médica 11 (3), 125-129, 2008
Thinking of conceptual reviews and systematic reviews.
RA Ayala
Nursing Inquiry 25 (4), 2018
Let's talk about society: A Critical Discourse Analysis of sociology courses in pre-registration nursing
TF Koch, VJ Leal, RA Ayala
Nurse Education Today 36, 139-144, 2016
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