Alex Roehrs
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Citado por
OmniPHR: A distributed architecture model to integrate personal health records
A Roehrs, CA Da Costa, R da Rosa Righi
Journal of biomedical informatics 71, 70-81, 2017
Personal health records: a systematic literature review
A Roehrs, CA Da Costa, R da Rosa Righi, KSF De Oliveira
Journal of medical Internet research 19 (1), e5876, 2017
Analyzing the performance of a blockchain-based personal health record implementation
A Roehrs, CA da Costa, R da Rosa Righi, VF da Silva, JR Goldim, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 92, 103140, 2019
Toward a model for personal health record interoperability
A Roehrs, CA da Costa, R da Rosa Righi, SJ Rigo, MH Wichman
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (2), 867-873, 2018
Fogchain: a fog computing architecture integrating blockchain and internet of things for personal health records
AH Mayer, VF Rodrigues, CA da Costa, R da Rosa Righi, A Roehrs, ...
IEEE Access 9, 122723-122737, 2021
T Quaini, A Roehrs, CA da Costa, R da Rosa Righi
IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet 16 (2), 2018
Integrating multiple blockchains to support distributed personal health records
A Roehrs, CA da Costa, RR Righi, AH Mayer, VF da Silva, JR Goldim, ...
Health Informatics Journal 27 (2), 14604582211007546, 2021
OmniPHR: a Blockchain based interoperable architecture for personal health records
A Roehrs
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2019
B4health-An architecture model for personal health records with hl7 FHIR and hyperledger fabric
V Garcia, A Roehrs, CA d Costa, R Righo, AH Mayer
18th International Conference on WWW/Internet, 19-26, 2019
A proposal for postpartum support based on natural language generation model
JLZ Montenegro, CA Da Costa, RDR Righi, A Roehrs, ER Farias
2018 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational …, 2018
A proposal of a mobile payment system based on android
A Roehrs, CA da Costa, JLV Barbosa
2012 Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet …, 2012
L7SP: a layer seven service provider for private blockchain systems
FR Furtado, RDR Righi, CAD Costa, A Roehrs, M Singh
International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies 1 (3), 236-272, 2020
A model for mobile payment in ubiquitous commerce
A Roehrs, CA da Costa, JLV Barbosa
Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (SSCAD), 57-64, 2011
Blending lossy and lossless data compression methods to support health data streaming in smart cities
A Andrade, CA da Costa, A Roehrs, D Muchaluat-Saade, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems, 107748, 2025
Providing Interoperability between Wearable Devices and FHIR-based Healthcare Systems
AT Cabral, GS Fischer, R da Rosa Righi, CA da Costa, A Roehrs, SJ Rigo, ...
Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (WebMedia), 410-414, 2024
TriCache: Providing three-tier caching for time series data in serverless healthcare services
AZ Righi, GS Fischer, R da Rosa Righi, CA da Costa, A Roehrs
Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização de Software …, 2024
ADPS: Providing asynchronous PubSub communication in an adaptive and scalable way in Edge-Fog-Cloud architectures for healthcare data traffic
G Pohlmann, GS Fischer, R da Rosa Righi, CA da Costa, A Roehrs
Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização de Software …, 2024
Combinando Elasticidade Proativa e Reativa para Gestão Multi-Hospitalar de Recursos Humanos no Contexto das Cidades Inteligentes
GS Fischer, R da Rosa Righi, CA da Costa, A Roehrs
Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde (SBCAS), 249-260, 2024
ChainElastic: a cloud computing resource elasticity model for IoT-based blockchain applications
VF Rodrigues, JVS Silva, RDR Righi, CAD Costa, A Roehrs
International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies 2 (1), 1-18, 2021
Content Summa-ries of Selected Best Papers for the IMIA Yearbook 2018, Section Health Information Management
A Roehrs, CA da Costa, R da Rosa Righi
J Biomed Inform 71, 70-81, 2017
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