Samra Mujačić
Samra Mujačić
Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Tuzla
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Modeling, design, development and evaluation of a hypervideo presentation for digital systems teaching and learning
S Mujacic, M Debevc, P Kosec, M Bloice, A Holzinger
Multimedia Tools and Applications 58, 435-452, 2012
Influence of learning styles on improving efficiency of adaptive educational hypermedia systems
S Kulaglić, S Mujačić, IK Serdarević, S Kasapović
2013 12th International conference on information technology based higher …, 2013
Lessons learned from use of web conference in teaching programming
S Mujačić, M Mujačić, S Mujkić, JL Bele
2014 Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), 1-8, 2014
A formal approach to hypervideo design
S Mujacic, M Debevc
2007 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing …, 2007
User and mobile-friendly learning management system design
JL Bele, S Mujkić, D Bele, S Mujačić
2015 XXV International Conference on Information, Communication and …, 2015
Enhanced MIMO influence on LTE-Advanced network performances
S Kasapovic, S Mujkic, S Mujacic
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 22 (1), 81-86, 2016
Transforming teaching and learning with innovative use of technology-case study
S Mujacic, M Mujacic, S Mujkic, T Hasanovic
2015 International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher …, 2015
IP geolocation suspicious email messages
A Butković, S Mrdović, S Mujačić
2013 21st Telecommunications Forum Telfor (TELFOR), 881-884, 2013
Building effective blended learning for engineering studies
S Mujačić, S Mujkić, M Mujačić, D Demirović
2013 12th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher …, 2013
Introducing e-learning to institutions and classrooms: Contributions to quality assurance of e-education and e-contents
M Ivanisin, S Mujačić, M Debevc
2010 9th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher …, 2010
Simulation of Heterogeneous Network Vehicles.
S Kasapovic, S Mujacic, L Banjanovic-Mehmedovic, I Jagodic
J. Softw. 11 (11), 1154-1161, 2016
al. Comparative Analysis of Computer Science Study Programs at Universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
D Brdjanin, A Hajdar, S Kasapovic
International Conference on e-Education (ICeE’14). At: Mostar, BiH2014, 2014
Integration of streaming and digital signage technology for higher education
I Kapetanovic, S Mujacic, S Kasapovic, S Kulaglic
2012 20th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 1300-1302, 2012
Introducing e-learning to institutions and classrooms
M Ivanišin, S Mujačić, M Debevc
Comparison ways of assignment of codes in UMTS networks
S Kasapović, S Mujačić, D Čeke, A Hadžimehmedović
2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention MIPRO, 552-556, 2012
Development, Application and Evaluation of Adaptive Hypermedia in Distance Learning
S Kulaglic, S Mujacic, I Kapetanovic
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 1847-1852, 2011
Deliverable D13b SEEREN2 Services and Tools Specification
S Gajin, Y Mitsos, A Dimeski, A Hadžimehmedović, M Savic, N Frasheri, ...
Roadmap to Advance Web-based E-Learning in South Eastern Europe
D Čeke, M Debevc, D Helic, N Hodzic, D Kadijevic, F Maric, S Mujacic, ...
Dizajn hipermedijske učionice za potrebe e-obrazovanja
S Mujačić, M Debevc, M Mujačić
Deliverable D13a SEEREN2 Services and Tools Specification
A Kovács, Y Mitsos, C Kotsokalis, A Dimeski, A Hadžimehmedović, ...
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