michele filippone
michele filippone
CEA Grenoble
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Direct measurement of nonlocal interactions in the many-body localized phase
B Chiaro, C Neill, A Bohrdt, M Filippone, F Arute, K Arya, R Babbush, ...
Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013148, 2022
Strong coupling between a photon and a hole spin in silicon
CX Yu, S Zihlmann, JC Abadillo-Uriel, VP Michal, N Rambal, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 18 (7), 741-746, 2023
Giant charge relaxation resistance in the Anderson model
M Filippone, K Le Hur, C Mora
Physical Review Letters 107 (17), 176601, 2011
Quantum phase transitions in fully connected spin models: An entanglement perspective
M Filippone, S Dusuel, J Vidal
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (2), 022327, 2011
At which magnetic field, exactly, does the Kondo resonance begin to split? A Fermi liquid description of the low-energy properties of the Anderson model
M Filippone, CP Moca, A Weichselbaum, J von Delft, C Mora
Physical Review B 98 (7), 075404, 2018
Observation of universal Hall response in strongly interacting Fermions
TW Zhou, G Cappellini, D Tusi, L Franchi, J Parravicini, C Repellin, ...
Science 381 (6656), 427-430, 2023
Generic transport formula for a system driven by Markovian reservoirs
T Jin, M Filippone, T Giamarchi
Physical Review B 102 (20), 205131, 2020
Exact description of quantum stochastic models as quantum resistors
T Jin, JS Ferreira, M Filippone, T Giamarchi
Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013109, 2022
Drude weight fluctuations in many-body localized systems
M Filippone, PW Brouwer, J Eisert, F von Oppen
Physical Review B 94 (20), 201112, 2016
Universal Hall response in interacting quantum systems
S Greschner, M Filippone, T Giamarchi
Physical review letters 122 (8), 083402, 2019
Tunable hole spin-photon interaction based on g-matrix modulation
VP Michal, JC Abadillo-Uriel, S Zihlmann, R Maurand, YM Niquet, ...
Physical Review B 107 (4), L041303, 2023
Fermi liquid approach to the quantum circuit: Renormalization group analysis of the Anderson and Coulomb blockade models
M Filippone, C Mora
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (12), 125311, 2012
Two-body Wigner molecularization in asymmetric quantum dot spin qubits
JC Abadillo-Uriel, B Martinez, M Filippone, YM Niquet
Physical Review B 104 (19), 195305, 2021
Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law for one-dimensional ultracold atomic gases
M Filippone, F Hekking, A Minguzzi
Physical Review A 93 (1), 011602, 2016
Kondo temperature of SU (4) symmetric quantum dots
M Filippone, CP Moca, G Zaránd, C Mora
Physical Review B 90 (12), 121406, 2014
Interacting mesoscopic capacitor out of equilibrium
D Litinski, PW Brouwer, M Filippone
Physical Review B 96 (8), 085429, 2017
Vanishing Hall response of charged fermions in a transverse magnetic field
M Filippone, CE Bardyn, S Greschner, T Giamarchi
Physical review letters 123 (8), 086803, 2019
Drude weight increase by orbital and repulsive interactions in fermionic ladders
A Haller, M Rizzi, M Filippone
Physical review research 2 (2), 023058, 2020
Transport and nonreciprocity in monitored quantum devices: An exact study
J Ferreira, T Jin, J Mannhart, T Giamarchi, M Filippone
Physical Review Letters 132 (13), 136301, 2024
Ballistic-to-diffusive transition in spin chains with broken integrability
JS Ferreira, M Filippone
Physical Review B 102 (18), 184304, 2020
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