Hamed Bahmanabadi
Hamed Bahmanabadi
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
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Evaluation of tensile and low-cycle fatigue properties at elevated temperatures in piston aluminum-silicon alloys with and without nano-clay-particles and heat treatment
M Azadi, H Bahmanabadi, F Gruen, G Winter
Materials Science and Engineering: A 788, 139497, 2020
Characterization of creep damage and lifetime in Inconel-713C nickel-based superalloy by stress-based, strain/strain rate-based and continuum damage mechanics models
H Bahmanabadi, S Rezanezhad, M Azadi, M Azadi
Materials Research Express 5 (2), 026509, 2018
Experimental and Numerical Study on Low-cycle Fatigue Behavior of Aluminum Metal Matrix Nanocomposite at Different Temperatures
H Bahmanabadi
MSc Thesis, Semnan University, 2020,(In Persian), 2020
Cyclic Hardening/Softening Experimental Data in Nano-Clay-Composite and Aluminum Alloy under High-Temperature Strain-Controlled Loading
M Azadi, H Bahmanabadi, F Gruen, G Winter, B Seisenbacher
Experimental Results 3, e6, 2022
Impacts of nano-clay particles and heat-treating on out-of-phase thermo-mechanical fatigue characteristics in piston aluminum-silicon alloys
H Bahmanabadi, M Azadi, A Dadashi, J Torkian, MS Aghareb Parast, ...
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 17 (65), 224-245, 2023
Study of High-cycle Fatigue Properties in Bovine Tibia Bones based on Reliability and Scatter-band Predictions
M Farzannasab, M Azadi, H Bahmanabadi
Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 7 (2), 255-261, 2020
Modeling of Fatigue Behavior in Pre-corroded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy
H Bahmanabadi, M Shamsarjmand
Forces in Mechanics 14, 100254, 2023
Sensitivity Analysis of Solutioning Time, Ageing Temperature, and Clay Nano-Particles Addition on Hardness of Piston Aluminum-Silicon Alloy using Regression Method
H Bahmanabadi, M Azadi
Journal Of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 33 (4), 67-94, 2022
Continuum Damage Mechanics for Creep Lifetime Estimation in Polymer Matrix Composites at Various Temperatures
H Bahmanabadi, M Azadi, K Keypour
Journal of Stress Analysis 4 (2), 29-44, 2020
Evaluation of the Clay Nano-particles and Heat Treatment effects on Low-cycle Fatigue Properties of Piston Aluminum-Silicon Alloys
H Bahmanabadi, M Azadi
21st National Conference and the 10th International Conference on …, 2025
A comparison between hysteresis stress-strain loops of aluminum alloys and heat-treated nano-composites under thermo-mechanical fatigue loadings
H Bahmanabadi, M Azadi
Science Talks 9, 100291, 2023
تحلیل حساسیت زمان انحلال، دمای پیرسازی و افزودن نانوذرات خاک رس بر سختی آلیاژ آلومینیوم-سیلیسیم پیستون به‌روش آنالیز رگرسیون
حامد بهمن آبادی, محمد آزادی
مهندسی متالورژی و مواد, 2022
Influences of Heat-Treating and Nano-Clay Particles on Out-of-Phase Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Behaviors of Piston Aluminum-Silicon Alloys
H Bahmanabadi, M Azadi, J Torkian, A Dadashi, MSA Parast, G Winter, ...
Available at SSRN 4281715, 2022
Investigation of the Effect of Displacement Rate on Tensile Mechanical Properties of Wrought AZ31 Magnesium Alloy
M Shamsarjmand, H Bahmanabadi
5th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Metallurgy, 2021
Vehicular Engine Design
M Azadi, H Bahmanabadi, M Farzannasab
Semnan University Publisher, 2021
I‌N‌V‌E‌S‌T‌I‌G‌A‌T‌I‌O‌N O‌F N‌A‌N‌O-C‌L‌A‌Y P‌A‌R‌T‌I‌C‌L‌E‌S A‌D‌D‌I‌T‌I‌O‌N O‌N M‌I‌C‌R‌O‌S‌T‌R‌U‌C‌T‌U‌R‌E, F‌R‌A‌C‌T‌U‌R‌E S‌U‌R‌F‌A‌C‌E, A‌N‌D M‌E‌C‌H‌A‌N‌I‌C‌A‌L P‌R‌O‌P‌E‌R‌T‌I‌E‌S O‌F P‌I‌S‌T‌O‌N A‌L‌U‌M‌I‌N‌U‌M A‌L‌L‌O‌Y I‌N A‌U‌T‌O‌M‌O‌T‌I‌V‌E
M Azadi, H Bahmanabadi, J Torkian, G Nosrat
Sharif Journal of Mechanical Engineering 36 (2), 41-49, 2020
Sensitivity Analysis of Continuum Damage Parameters on Error and Scatter-band for Predicted Low-cycle Fatigue Lifetime of AZ61A Magnesium Alloy
S Golzari, S Takrousta, H Bahmanabadi, M Azadi
The Biennial International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics (X …, 2020
Study of Nano-clay Adding on Microstructure, Hardness and Machining Process of Al-Si Alloy of Automotive Piston
M Azadi, H Bahmanabadi, J Torkian, R Rasouli
4th National Congress of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, 2019
Low-cycle Fatigue Lifetime Prediction of Aluminum-silicon Alloy in Engine Piston at Different Temperatures Using Modified Plastic Strain Energy
A Dadashi, M Azadi, H Bahmanabadi
3rd International Conference of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2018
Determination of Creep Lifetime in Nickel-based Superalloy by Continuum Damage Mechanics and Larson-Miller Model
M Azadi, H Bahmanabadi, S Rezanezhad, M Azadi
6th National Conference of Gas Turbine, 2018
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Artigos 1–20