Colin Nuckolls
Colin Nuckolls
Sheldon and Dorothea Buckler Professor of Material Science, Columbia University
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Atomically thin p–n junctions with van der Waals heterointerfaces
CH Lee, GH Lee, AM Van Der Zande, W Chen, Y Li, M Han, X Cui, ...
Nature nanotechnology 9 (9), 676-681, 2014
Dependence of single-molecule junction conductance on molecular conformation
L Venkataraman, JE Klare, C Nuckolls, MS Hybertsen, ML Steigerwald
Nature 442 (7105), 904-907, 2006
Flexible and Transparent MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors on Hexagonal Boron Nitride-Graphene Heterostructures
GH Lee, YJ Yu, X Cui, N Petrone, CH Lee, MS Choi, DY Lee, C Lee, ...
ACS nano 7 (9), 7931-7936, 2013
Molecular encapsulation
F Hof, SL Craig, C Nuckolls, J Rebek, Jr
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 41 (9), 1488-1508, 2002
Single-molecule circuits with well-defined molecular conductance
L Venkataraman, JE Klare, IW Tam, C Nuckolls, MS Hybertsen, ...
Nano letters 6 (3), 458-462, 2006
Strong enhancement of nonlinear optical properties through supramolecular chirality
T Verbiest, SV Elshocht, M Kauranen, L Hellemans, J Snauwaert, ...
Science 282 (5390), 913-915, 1998
Coulomb engineering of the bandgap and excitons in two-dimensional materials
A Raja, A Chaves, J Yu, G Arefe, HM Hill, AF Rigosi, TC Berkelbach, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15251, 2017
Molecular helices as electron acceptors in high-performance bulk heterojunction solar cells
Y Zhong, MT Trinh, R Chen, GE Purdum, PP Khlyabich, M Sezen, S Oh, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8242, 2015
Chemical principles of single-molecule electronics
TA Su, M Neupane, ML Steigerwald, L Venkataraman, C Nuckolls
Nature Reviews Materials 1 (3), 1-15, 2016
Covalently bridging gaps in single-walled carbon nanotubes with conducting molecules
X Guo, JP Small, JE Klare, Y Wang, MS Purewal, IW Tam, BH Hong, ...
Science 311 (5759), 356-359, 2006
Label-free single-molecule detection of DNA-hybridization kinetics with a carbon nanotube field-effect transistor
S Sorgenfrei, C Chiu, RL Gonzalez Jr, YJ Yu, P Kim, C Nuckolls, ...
Nature nanotechnology 6 (2), 126-132, 2011
Efficient organic solar cells with helical perylene diimide electron acceptors
Y Zhong, MT Trinh, R Chen, W Wang, PP Khlyabich, B Kumar, Q Xu, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (43), 15215-15221, 2014
Contact chemistry and single-molecule conductance: a comparison of phosphines, methyl sulfides, and amines
YS Park, AC Whalley, M Kamenetska, ML Steigerwald, MS Hybertsen, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (51), 15768-15769, 2007
Photochemical reactivity of graphene
H Liu, S Ryu, Z Chen, ML Steigerwald, C Nuckolls, LE Brus
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (47), 17099-17101, 2009
Alcohol vapor sensors based on single-walled carbon nanotube field effect transistors
T Someya, J Small, P Kim, C Nuckolls, JT Yardley
Nano letters 3 (7), 877-881, 2003
Energy transfer from individual semiconductor nanocrystals to graphene
Z Chen, S Berciaud, C Nuckolls, TF Heinz, LE Brus
ACS nano 4 (5), 2964-2968, 2010
Conductivity of a single DNA duplex bridging a carbon nanotube gap
X Guo, AA Gorodetsky, J Hone, JK Barton, C Nuckolls
Nature nanotechnology 3 (3), 163-167, 2008
Electronics and chemistry: varying single-molecule junction conductance using chemical substituents
L Venkataraman, YS Park, AC Whalley, C Nuckolls, MS Hybertsen, ...
Nano letters 7 (2), 502-506, 2007
Contorted polycyclic aromatics
M Ball, Y Zhong, Y Wu, C Schenck, F Ng, M Steigerwald, S Xiao, ...
Accounts of Chemical Research 48 (2), 267-276, 2015
Translocation of single-stranded DNA through single-walled carbon nanotubes
H Liu, J He, J Tang, H Liu, P Pang, D Cao, P Krstic, S Joseph, S Lindsay, ...
Science 327 (5961), 64-67, 2010
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