Plant physiological ecology H Lambers, FS Chapin III, TL Pons Springer Science & Business Media, 2008 | 8041 | 2008 |
Seed responses to light. TL Pons | 659 | 2000 |
No growth stimulation of tropical trees by 150 years of CO2 fertilization but water-use efficiency increased P Van Der Sleen, P Groenendijk, M Vlam, NPR Anten, A Boom, F Bongers, ... Nature geoscience 8 (1), 24-28, 2015 | 487 | 2015 |
A meta‐analysis of plant responses to light intensity for 70 traits ranging from molecules to whole plant performance H Poorter, Ü Niinemets, N Ntagkas, A Siebenkäs, M Mäenpää, ... New Phytologist 223 (3), 1073-1105, 2019 | 478 | 2019 |
Estimating mesophyll conductance to CO2: methodology, potential errors, and recommendations TL Pons, J Flexas, S Von Caemmerer, JR Evans, B Genty, M Ribas-Carbo, ... Journal of Experimental Botany 60 (8), 2217-2234, 2009 | 359 | 2009 |
Leaf respiration of snow gum in the light and dark. Interactions between temperature and irradiance OK Atkin, JR Evans, MC Ball, H Lambers, TL Pons Plant physiology 122 (3), 915-924, 2000 | 337 | 2000 |
High thermal acclimation potential of both photosynthesis and respiration in two lowland Plantago species in contrast to an alpine congeneric OK Atkin, I Scheurwater, TL Pons Global Change Biology 12 (3), 500-515, 2006 | 289 | 2006 |
The art of growing plants for experimental purposes: a practical guide for the plant biologist H Poorter, F Fiorani, M Stitt, U Schurr, A Finck, Y Gibon, B Usadel, ... Functional Plant Biology 39 (11), 821-838, 2012 | 285 | 2012 |
Phenotypic plasticity and growth temperature: understanding interspecific variability OK Atkin, BR Loveys, LJ Atkinson, TL Pons Journal of experimental botany 57 (2), 267-281, 2006 | 284 | 2006 |
Plant water relations H Lambers, RS Oliveira, H Lambers, RS Oliveira Plant physiological ecology, 187-263, 2019 | 274 | 2019 |
The effect of tree height and light availability on photosynthetic leaf traits of four neotropical species differing in shade tolerance T Rijkers, TL Pons, F Bongers Functional Ecology 14 (1), 77-86, 2000 | 274 | 2000 |
Growth temperature influences the underlying components of relative growth rate: an investigation using inherently fast‐and slow‐growing plant species BR Loveys, I Scheurwater, TL Pons, AH Fitter, OK Atkin Plant, cell & environment 25 (8), 975-988, 2002 | 247 | 2002 |
Respiration as a percentage of daily photosynthesis in whole plants is homeostatic at moderate, but not high, growth temperatures OK Atkin, I Scheurwater, TL Pons New Phytologist 174 (2), 367-380, 2007 | 233 | 2007 |
Oxygen isotopes in tree rings are a good proxy for Amazon precipitation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability RJW Brienen, G Helle, TL Pons, JL Guyot, M Gloor Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (42), 16957-16962, 2012 | 229 | 2012 |
Canopy structure and leaf nitrogen distribution in a stand of Lysimachia vulgaris L. as influenced by stand density T Hirose, MJA Werger, TL Pons, JWA Van Rheenen Oecologia 77, 145-150, 1988 | 223 | 1988 |
Breaking of seed dormancy by nitrate as a gap detection mechanism TL PONS Annals of Botany 63 (1), 139-143, 1989 | 220 | 1989 |
Submergence-induced morphological, anatomical, and biochemical responses in a terrestrial species affect gas diffusion resistance and photosynthetic performance L Mommer, TL Pons, M Wolters-Arts, JH Venema, EJW Visser Plant Physiology 139 (1), 497-508, 2005 | 181 | 2005 |
Induction of dark dormancy in seeds: its importance for the seed bank in the soil TL Pons Functional ecology, 669-675, 1991 | 168 | 1991 |
Leaf respiration in light and darkness (a comparison of slow-and fast-growing Poa species) OK Atkin, MHM Westbeek, ML Cambridge, H Lambers, TL Pons Plant physiology 113 (3), 961-965, 1997 | 158 | 1997 |
Dividing the pie: A quantitative review on plant density responses JA Postma, VL Hecht, K Hikosaka, EA Nord, TL Pons, H Poorter Plant, cell & environment 44 (4), 1072-1094, 2021 | 152 | 2021 |