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Christos ZerefosResearch Centre for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology, Academy of Athens, Athens, GreeceEmail confirmado em geol.uoa.gr
Stelios KazadzisPhys. and Meteorol. Obs. Davos / World Radiation CenterEmail confirmado em pmodwrc.ch
Dimitris BalisProfessor, School of Physics, Aristotle Unversity of Thessaloniki, GreeceEmail confirmado em auth.gr
Andreas KazantzidisProfessor, Physics Department, University of PatrasEmail confirmado em upatras.gr
Kleareti TourpaliLab of Atmospheric Physics, Aristotle University of ThessalonikiEmail confirmado em auth.gr
Gunther SeckmeyerProfessor für Meteorologie, Leibniz Universität HannoverEmail confirmado em muk.uni-hannover.de
Richard McKenzieNIWAEmail confirmado em niwa.co.nz
Ilias Fountoulakisassistant researcher, Research Centre for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology, Academy of AthensEmail confirmado em academyofathens.gr
Ioannis ZiomasProfessor, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Director LPADEmail confirmado em chemeng.ntua.gr
Germar BernhardBiospherical InstrumentsEmail confirmado em biospherical.com
Vassilis AmiridisNational Observatory of AthensEmail confirmado em noa.gr
Melina ZempilaResearch Scientist, RAL SPACE, STFCEmail confirmado em stfc.ac.uk
Katerina GaraneLaboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GreeceEmail confirmado em auth.gr
Konstantinos FragkosThe Cyprus InstituteEmail confirmado em cyi.ac.cy
Sasha MadronichNational Center for Atmospheric ResearchEmail confirmado em ucar.edu
Bernhard MayerProfessor for Experimental Meteorology, LMU MunichEmail confirmado em dlr.de
Krotkov N*Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterEmail confirmado em nasa.gov
Anders V. LindforsFinnish Meteorological InstituteEmail confirmado em fmi.fi
Prof. Alexandros PapayannisNational Technical University of Athens,Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneEmail confirmado em central.ntua.gr
Dimitris MelasAristotle University of ThessalonikiEmail confirmado em auth.gr
Alkiviadis Bais
Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Email confirmado em auth.gr