Klaus Riede
Klaus Riede
(former) Senior scientist at Zoological Research Museum Bonn
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Global register of migratory species
K Riede, W wandernder Tierarten
Bonner zoologische Beiträge 51 (2/3), 227, 2002
Global register of migratory species: from global to regional scales: final report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081
K Riede
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, 2004
Automatic bird sound detection in long real-field recordings: Applications and tools
I Potamitis, S Ntalampiras, O Jahn, K Riede
Applied Acoustics 80, 1-9, 2014
Bioacoustics approaches in biodiversity inventories
MK Obrist, G Pavan, J Sueur, K Riede, D Llusia, R Márquez
Abc Taxa 8, 68-99, 2010
Acoustic monitoring of Orthoptera and its potential for conservation
K Riede
Journal of Insect Conservation 2 (3), 217-223, 1998
Monitoring biodiversity: analysis of Amazonian rainforest sounds
K Riede
Ambio, 546-548, 1993
Spectral niche segregation and community organization in a tropical cricket assemblage
AKD Schmidt, H Römer, K Riede
Behavioral Ecology 24 (2), 470-480, 2013
High background noise shapes selective auditory filters in a tropical cricket
AKD Schmidt, K Riede, H Römer
Journal of Experimental Biology 214 (10), 1754-1762, 2011
A comparative study of mating behaviour in some neotropical grasshoppers (Acridoidea)
K Riede
Ethology 76 (4), 265-296, 1987
Time sharing of song activity by cicadas in Temengor Forest Reserve, Hulu Perak, and in Sabah, Malaysia
M Gogala, K Riede
Malayan Nature Journal 48 (3-4), 297-305, 1995
Classification of bioacoustic time series based on the combination of global and local decisions
C Dietrich, G Palm, K Riede, F Schwenker
Pattern recognition 37 (12), 2293-2305, 2004
Bioacoustic monitoring of insect communities in a Bornean rainforest canopy
K Riede
Canopy arthropods, 442-452, 1997
Baseline data for automated acoustic monitoring of Orthoptera in a Mediterranean landscape, the Hymettos, Greece
GUC Lehmann, KH Frommolt, AW Lehmann, K Riede
Journal of Insect Conservation 18, 909-925, 2014
Diversity of sound-producing insects in a Bornean lowland rain forest
K Riede
Tropical rainforest research—current issues, 77-84, 1996
Acoustic profiling of Orthoptera
K Riede
Journal of Orthoptera Research 27 (2), 203-215, 2018
Radial basis function neural networks and temporal fusion for the classification of bioacoustic time series
F Schwenker, C Dietrich, HA Kestler, K Riede, G Palm
Neurocomputing 51, 265-275, 2003
Influence of the courtship song of the acridid grasshopper Gomphocerus rufus L. on the female
K Riede
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 14, 21-27, 1983
Global register of migratory species: database, GIS maps and threat analysis: results of the R+ D-Project 808 05 081= Weltregister wandernder Tierarten: Datenbank, GIS-Karten …
K Riede, K Kunz
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, 2001
Automated annotation of Orthoptera songs: first results from analysing the DORSA sound repository
K Riede, F Nischk, C Dietrich, C Thiel, F Schwenker
Journal of Orthoptera Research 15 (1), 105-113, 2006
The “Global Register of Migratory Species”—First Results of Global GIS Analysis
K Riede
Biological Resources and Migration, 211-218, 2004
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