Zsuzsanna Szerényi
Zsuzsanna Szerényi
associate professor
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Greening due to environmental education? Environmental knowledge, attitudes, consumer behavior and everyday pro-environmental activities of Hungarian high school and university …
Á Zsóka, ZM Szerényi, A Széchy, T Kocsis
Journal of cleaner production 48, 126-138, 2013
Valuation and transferability of the non-market benefits of river restoration in the Danube river basin using a choice experiment
R Brouwer, M Bliem, M Getzner, S Kerekes, S Milton, T Palarie, ...
Ecological Engineering 87, 20-29, 2016
Consumer behaviour and lifestyle patterns of Hungarian students with regard to environmental awareness
Z Szerényi, Z Ágnes, S Anna
Society and Economy 33 (1), 89-109, 2011
A feltételes értékelés alkalmazhatósága Magyarországon
ZM Szerényi
Akadémiai Kiadó, 2005
Ecosystem service valuation from floodplain restoration in the Danube River Basin: An international choice experiment application
R Brouwer, M Bliem, Z Flachner, M Getzner, S Kerekes, S Milton, ...
Annual Conference of the Association of Environmental and Resource …, 2009
National ecosystem services assessment in Hungary: Framework, process and conceptual questions
Á Vári, E Tanács, E Tormáné Kovács, Á Kalóczkai, I Arany, B Czúcz, ...
Sustainability 14 (19), 12847, 2022
The role of adaptation to climate change in rural development
ZM Szerényi, Á Zsóka, K Ásványi, Z Flachner
Regional and business studies 3 (1 Suppl.), 189-198, 2011
The possibility of the economic evaluation of ecosystem services described through a domestic case study
Z Marjainé Szerényi, S Kerekes, Z Flachner, S Milton
CEEweb for Biodiversity, 2011
A fenntartható fejlődés feltételeinek megjelenése a nagykörűi lakosság értékrendjében: egy Q-módszeres kutatás eredményei
K Ásványi, ZM Szerényi, Á Zsóka
Economica 7 (2), 68-79, 2014
Valuing the Recreational Services Provided by Hungary’s Forest Ecosystems
A Széchy, Z Szerényi
Sustainability 15 (5), 3924, 2023
Environmental education at the Corvinus University of Budapest
Z Szerényi
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 8, 59-63, 2006
Vállalati környezetmenedzsment
M B Andrási, M Csutora, M Görög, S Kerekes, J Kindler, L Kreiner, ...
AULA, 1997
How to take into account the values of ecosystems services of various habitats in integrated cost-benefit analysis?
ZM Szerényi, N Eszlári
Regional and business studies 3 (1 Suppl.), 299-306, 2011
Land use change as an opportunity to decrease the consequences of extreme weather events: a case study of the Tisza Valley in Hungary
N Eszlári, ZM Szerényi
Economic and Environmental Studies 14 (4 (32)), 389-412, 2014
A Cost-Benefit Approach for Evaluating Transportation-Based Noise Control Projects
G Harangozó, ZM Szerényi
Logistics & Sustainable Transport 3 (2), 2012
Valuation of Ecological Restoration Benefits in the Által-ér Catchment Area using Stated Preference Methods
Z Szerényi, S Kerekes, S Milton, M Tarnai, Z Flachner, R Brouwer, ...
Hungarian case study results. D35-D34 Economic Valuation of Environmental …, 2008
Environmental Awareness And Consumer Behaviour Of Students
ZM Szerényi, Á Zsóka, A Széchy
An Enterprise Odyssey. International Conference Proceedings, 1501, 2010
Environmental, social and economic sustainability in the light of the geopolitical challenges of our age
Z Szerényi, G Salamin, Z Nemes
Corvinus University of Budapest, 2021
Implementation of Water Framework Directive Obligations in Hungary: Estimating Benefits of Development Activities in Two Pilot Areas
ZM Szerényi, Á Zsóka, J Rákosi
Environmental Management Accounting and Supply Chain Management, 301-315, 2011
The role of environmental education in sustainable consumption and lifestyle: Survey results in Hungarian higher education and high schools
ZM Szerényi, A Zsóka, A Széchy
Knowledge Collaboration & Learning for Sustainable Innovation: 14th European …, 2010
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