Pablo A. Miranda-Gonzalez
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Incorporating inventory control decisions into a strategic distribution network design model with stochastic demand
PA Miranda, RA Garrido
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 40 (3 …, 2004
Prediction of parking space availability in real time
F Caicedo, C Blazquez, P Miranda
Expert Systems with applications 39 (8), 7281-7290, 2012
A simultaneous inventory control and facility location model with stochastic capacity constraints
PA Miranda, RA Garrido
Networks and Spatial Economics 6, 39-53, 2006
Inventory service-level optimization within distribution network design problem
PA Miranda, RA Garrido
International Journal of production economics 122 (1), 276-285, 2009
Valid inequalities for Lagrangian relaxation in an inventory location problem with stochastic capacity
PA Miranda, RA Garrido
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 44 (1 …, 2008
A novel methodology for designing a household waste collection system for insular zones
PA Miranda, CA Blazquez, R Vergara, S Weitzler
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 77, 227-247, 2015
Special issue on Latin-American research: a time based discretization approach for ship routing and scheduling with variable speed
RA Gatica, PA Miranda
Networks and Spatial Economics 11, 465-485, 2011
e-Work based collaborative optimization approach for strategic logistic network design problem
PA Miranda, RA Garrido, JA Ceroni
Computers & Industrial Engineering 57 (1), 3-13, 2009
Supply chain network design with efficiency, location, and inventory policy using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm
RE Perez Loaiza, E Olivares‐Benitez, PA Miranda Gonzalez, ...
International Transactions in Operational Research 24 (1-2), 251-275, 2017
A simulation model of a coordinated decentralized supply chain
S Cannella, M López‐Campos, R Dominguez, J Ashayeri, PA Miranda
International Transactions in Operational Research 22 (4), 735-756, 2015
A hybrid metaheuristic approach to optimize the districting design of a parcel company
RG González-Ramírez, NR Smith, RG Askin, PA Miranda, JM Sánchez
Journal of applied research and technology 9 (1), 19-35, 2011
A fuzzy logic model for the container stacking problem at container terminals
J Ries, RG González-Ramírez, P Miranda
Computational Logistics: 5th International Conference, ICCL 2014, Valparaiso …, 2014
A Generalized Benders Decomposition based algorithm for an inventory location problem with stochastic inventory capacity constraints
FJ Tapia-Ubeda, PA Miranda, M Macchi
European Journal of Operational Research 267 (3), 806-817, 2018
Modelling and solving spare parts supply chain network design problems
FJ Tapia-Ubeda, PA Miranda, I Roda, M Macchi, O Durán
International Journal of Production Research 58 (17), 5299-5319, 2020
The bi-objective insular traveling salesman problem with maritime and ground transportation costs
PA Miranda, CA Blazquez, C Obreque, J Maturana-Ross, ...
European Journal of Operational Research 273 (1), 317-331, 2018
Solving a Novel Inventory Location Model with Stochastic Constraints and (R, s, S) Inventory Control Policy
G Cabrera, PA Miranda, E Cabrera, R Soto, B Crawford, JM Rubio, ...
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 670528, 2013
Current economic downturn and supply chain: the significance of demand and inventory smoothing
S Cannella, J Ashayeri, PA Miranda, M Bruccoleri
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 27 (3), 201-212, 2014
A heuristic procedure for a ship routing and scheduling problem with variable speed and discretized time windows
KK Castillo-Villar, RG González-Ramírez, P Miranda González, NR Smith
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (1), 750232, 2014
The event management problem in a container terminal
L Bearzotti, R Gonzalez, P Miranda
Journal of applied research and technology 11 (1), 95-102, 2013
Design of a logistics nonlinear system for a complex, multiechelon, supply chain network with uncertain demands
A Guerrero Campanur, E Olivares-Benitez, PA Miranda, RE Perez-Loaiza, ...
Complexity 2018 (1), 4139601, 2018
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