Verena Ertl
Verena Ertl
KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
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Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder by trained lay counselors in an African refugee settlement: a randomized controlled trial.
F Neuner, PL Onyut, V Ertl, M Odenwald, E Schauer, T Elbert
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 76 (4), 686, 2008
Community-implemented trauma therapy for former child soldiers in Northern Uganda: a randomized controlled trial
V Ertl, A Pfeiffer, E Schauer, T Elbert, F Neuner
Jama 306 (5), 503-512, 2011
Spontaneous remission from PTSD depends on the number of traumatic event types experienced.
IT Kolassa, V Ertl, C Eckart, S Kolassa, LP Onyut, T Elbert
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 2 (3), 169, 2010
The risk of posttraumatic stress disorder after trauma depends on traumatic load and the catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met polymorphism
IT Kolassa, S Kolassa, V Ertl, A Papassotiropoulos, JF Dominique
Biological psychiatry 67 (4), 304-308, 2010
The validity of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) as screening instrument with Kurdish and Arab displaced populations living in the Kurdistan region of Iraq
H Ibrahim, V Ertl, C Catani, AA Ismail, F Neuner
BMC psychiatry 18, 1-8, 2018
Narrative Exposure Therapy as a treatment for child war survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder: Two case reports and a pilot study in an African refugee settlement
LP Onyut, F Neuner, E Schauer, V Ertl, M Odenwald, M Schauer, T Elbert
BMC psychiatry 5, 1-9, 2005
Does war contribute to family violence against children? Findings from a two-generational multi-informant study in Northern Uganda
R Saile, V Ertl, F Neuner, C Catani
Child abuse & neglect 38 (1), 135-146, 2014
A deletion variant of the α2b-adrenoceptor is related to emotional memory in Europeans and Africans
DJF de Quervain, IT Kolassa, V Ertl, PL Onyut, F Neuner, T Elbert, ...
Nature neuroscience 10 (9), 1137-1139, 2007
Trauma, poverty and mental health among Somali and Rwandese refugees living in an African refugee settlement–an epidemiological study
LP Onyut, F Neuner, V Ertl, E Schauer, M Odenwald, T Elbert
Conflict and health 3, 1-16, 2009
Ecological grief as a response to environmental change: a mental health risk or functional response?
H Comtesse, V Ertl, SMC Hengst, R Rosner, GE Smid
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (2), 734, 2021
Association Study of Trauma Load and SLC6A4 Promoter Polymorphism in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Evidence From Survivors of the Rwandan Genocide
IT Kolassa, V Ertl, C Eckart, F Glöckner, S Kolassa, A Papassotiropoulos, ...
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 71 (5), 1557, 2010
Validation of a mental health assessment in an African conflict population
V Ertl, A Pfeiffer, R Saile, E Schauer, T Elbert, F Neuner
International Perspectives in Psychology 1, 19-27, 2011
Prevalence and predictors of partner violence against women in the aftermath of war: a survey among couples in Northern Uganda
R Saile, F Neuner, V Ertl, C Catani
Social science & medicine 86, 17-25, 2013
Trauma and perceived social rejection among Yazidi women and girls who survived enslavement and genocide
H Ibrahim, V Ertl, C Catani, AA Ismail, F Neuner
BMC medicine 16, 1-11, 2018
Haunted by ghosts: Prevalence, predictors and outcomes of spirit possession experiences among former child soldiers and war-affected civilians in Northern Uganda
F Neuner, A Pfeiffer, E Schauer-Kaiser, M Odenwald, T Elbert, V Ertl
Social science & medicine 75 (3), 548-554, 2012
Narrative exposure therapy in children: a case study
E Schauer, F Neuner, T Elbert, V Ertl, LP Onyut, M Odenwald, M Schauer
The Navikale Camp Mental Health Project: building competency for psychological assistance to tramatised refugees
LP Onyut, F Neuner, E Schauer, V Ertl, M Odenwald, M Schauer, T Elbert
Intervention Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict …, 2004
PKCα is genetically linked to memory capacity in healthy subjects and to risk for posttraumatic stress disorder in genocide survivors
DJF De Quervain, IT Kolassa, S Ackermann, A Aerni, P Boesiger, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (22), 8746-8751, 2012
The hidden effects of child maltreatment in a war region: Correlates of psychopathology in two generations living in Northern Uganda
DK Olema, C Catani, V Ertl, R Saile, F Neuner
Journal of traumatic stress 27 (1), 35-41, 2014
Drinking to ease the burden: a cross-sectional study on trauma, alcohol abuse and psychopathology in a post-conflict context
V Ertl, R Saile, F Neuner, C Catani
BMC psychiatry 16, 1-13, 2016
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