Patrick Kennedy
Patrick Kennedy
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Student agency at the crux: Mitigating disengagement in middle and high school
RC Anderson, M Graham, P Kennedy, N Nelson, M Stoolmiller, SK Baker, ...
Contemporary Educational Psychology 56, 205-217, 2019
In search of average growth: Describing within-year oral reading fluency growth across Grades 1–8
JFT Nese, G Biancarosa, K Cummings, P Kennedy, J Alonzo, G Tindal
Journal of school psychology 51 (5), 625-642, 2013
Data-based decision-making teams in middle school: Observations and implications from the middle school intervention project
DA Crone, SE Carlson, MK Haack, PC Kennedy, SK Baker, H Fien
Assessment for Effective Intervention 41 (2), 79-93, 2016
Building school district capacity to conduct functional behavioral assessment
MK Strickland-Cohen, PC Kennedy, TA Berg, LJ Bateman, RH Horner
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 24 (4), 235-246, 2016
DIBELS data system: 2010-2011 percentile ranks for DIBELS next benchmark assessments
KD Cummings, PC Kennedy, J Otterstedt, SK Baker, EJ Kame’enui
Center on teaching and learning,(Technical Report 1101), 1-135, 2011
Examining the Impact and School‐Level Predictors of Impact Variability of an 8th Grade Reading Intervention on At‐Risk Students’ Reading Achievement
H Fien, D Anderson, NJ Nelson, P Kennedy, SK Baker, M Stoolmiller
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 33 (1), 37-50, 2018
Investigating the Longitudinal Effects of a Core Mathematics Program on Evidence-Based Teaching Practices in Mathematics
CT Doabler, NJ Nelson, PC Kennedy, M Stoolmiller, H Fien, B Clarke, ...
Learning Disability Quarterly 41 (3), 144-158, 2018
Do Components of Explicit Instruction Explain the Differential Effectiveness of a Core Mathematics Program for Kindergarten Students With Mathematics Difficulties? A Mediated …
CT Doabler, M Stoolmiller, PC Kennedy, NJ Nelson, B Clarke, B Gearin, ...
Assessment for Effective Intervention 44 (3), 197-211, 2019
Constructing Subscores That Add Validity: A Case Study of Identifying Students at Risk
G Biancarosa, PC Kennedy, SE Carlson, HJ Yoon, B Seipel, B Liu, ...
Educational and psychological measurement 79 (1), 65-84, 2019
Learning Gains From the KinderTEK® iPad Math Program: Does Timing of a Preventative Intervention Matter?
MS Cary, PC Kennedy, L Shanley, B Clarke
Journal of Special Education Technology 36 (4), 321-335, 2021
Student practice opportunities in core mathematics instruction: Exploring for a goldilocks effect for kindergartners with mathematics difficulties
CT Doabler, B Gearin, SK Baker, M Stoolmiller, PC Kennedy, B Clarke, ...
Journal of learning disabilities 52 (3), 271-283, 2019
Dyslexia screening and DIBELS
C Ives, G Biancarosa, DH Fien, P Kennedy
Eugene, OR: University of Oregon. Retrieved February 20 (2024), 2021-06, 2019
Can We Learn From Student Mistakes in a Formative, Reading Comprehension Assessment?
B Liu, PC Kennedy, B Seipel, SE Carlson, G Biancarosa, ML Davison
Journal of Educational Measurement 56 (4), 815-835, 2019
MOCCA-College: Preliminary Validity Evidence of a Cognitive Diagnostic Reading Comprehension Assessment
B Seipel, PC Kennedy, SE Carlson, V Clinton-Lisell, ML Davison
Journal of Learning Disabilities 56 (1), 58-71, 2023
The National Project on Achievement in Twins
SA Hart, K Martinez, PC Kennedy, CM Ganley, J Taylor
Twin Research and Human Genetics 22 (6), 761-764, 2019
DIBELS data system: 2009-2010 percentile ranks for DIBELS 6th edition benchmark assessments (Technical Report 1102)
KD Cummings, J Otterstedt, PC Kennedy, SK Baker, EJ Kame’enui
Eugene, OR: University of Oregon Center on Teaching and Learning, 2011
Measuring the Quantity and Quality of Instructional Interactions for Middle School Literacy Improvement.
SE Carlson, NJ Nelson-Walker, PC Kennedy, G Biancarosa, J Turtura, ...
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2013
Addressing the Practice-to-Research Gap: A Rigorous Evaluation of Local Education Agency–Based Interventions for Struggling Readers in Sixth Grade
DA Crone, M Stoolmiller, SK Baker, H Fien, J Turtura, M Strand Cary, ...
Assessment for Effective Intervention 44 (3), 147-159, 2019
Emotional factors of causal coherence in text comprehension
H Ness-Maddox, SE Carlson, AC Dahl, PC Kennedy, ML Davison, ...
Contemporary Educational Psychology 72, 102141, 2023
Measuring the Effects of Instructional Environment and Student Engagement on Reading Achievement for Struggling Readers in Middle School
P Kennedy
University of Oregon, 2014
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