David C. Smith
David C. Smith
Coordinator, Institute for Sustainable Development, University of the West Indies
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Global sustainable development report 2019: the future is now–science for achieving sustainable development
P Messerli, E Murniningtyas, P Eloundou-Enyegue, EG Foli, E Furman, ...
United Nations, 2019
Flood hazard mapping in Jamaica using principal component analysis and logistic regression
DS Arpita Nandi, Arpita Mandal, Matthew Wilson
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016
Expansion of sustainability science needed for the SDGs
P Messerli, EM Kim, W Lutz, JP Moatti, K Richardson, M Saidam, D Smith, ...
Nature sustainability 2 (10), 892-894, 2019
Variation of density‐dependence with spatial scale in the leaf‐mining fly Liriomyza commelinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae)
BE Freeman, DC Smith
Ecological Entomology 15 (3), 265-274, 1990
Population Dynamics in Jamaica of Liriomyza Commelinae (Frost)(Diptera; Agromyzidae)
D Smith
Implementing a national park system for Jamaica: The PARC project
D Smith
Environment and development in the Caribbean: geographical perspectives. UWI …, 1995
Hydrological modelling for simulation of flooding from extreme events in Jamaica: case study of the Hope River Watershed
A Mandal, L Barrett, D Smith
Proceedings of the International Conference on Flood Resilience., 2013
An assessment of the impact of 1.5 versus 2 and 2.5 C global temperature increase on flooding in Jamaica: A case study from the Hope watershed
A Mandal, T Stephenson, J Campbell, M Taylor, S Watson, L Clarke, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 380 (2221), 20210141, 2022
Impact of natural enemies on the leaf mining fly Liriomyza commelinae.
D Smith
Proceedings of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture, 101-104, 1990
Recreational Use of Natural Resources
I Goodbody, D Smith
Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean, 35, 2002
COP26 Futures We Want-Jamaica Country Profile
S Luke, M Taylor, D Smith, R Reynolds, E Shuckburgh
Private Sector Investment in Biodiversity Conservation
D Smith
Investing in Biodiversity Conservation, 43, 1997
The 2024 small island developing states report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change
GM Gordon-Strachan, SY Parker, HC Harewood, PA Méndez-Lázaro, ...
The Lancet Global Health 13 (1), e146-e166, 2025
Increasing the resilience of micro, small and medium tourism enterprises to tropical cyclones in small island developing states
T Balkaran, D Smith
Managing crises in tourism: Resilience strategies from the Caribbean, 197-219, 2021
The Political Economy of Transitioning to a Green Economy in Small States
D Smith
Transitioning to a Green Economy, 1, 2014
Environmental Funds and the NGO Community
D Smith
The IPG handbook on Environmental Funds, 4, 1999
Investing in Biodiversity Conservation: Proceedings of a Workshop
JA McNeelly, D Southgate, DC Smith, MJ Dourojeanni, K Newcombe
Inter-American Development Bank, 1997
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