Eduardo Fávero Pacheco da Luz
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A new multi-particle collision algorithm for optimization in a high performance environment
EFP da Luz, JC Becceneri, HF de Campos Velho
Journal of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences 1 (1), 3-10, 2008
The forestwatchers: a citizen cyberscience project for deforestation monitoring in the tropics
EFP da Luz, FRS Correa, DL González, F Grey, FM Ramos
Human Computation 1 (2), 2014
Using the Firefly optimization method to weight an ensemble of rainfall forecasts from the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (BRAMS)
AF Dos Santos, SR Freitas, JGZ de Mattos, HF de Campos Velho, ...
Advances in Geosciences 35, 123-136, 2013
Enhancement of the multi-particle collision algorithm by mechanisms derived from the opposition-based optimization
RH Torres, HFC Velho, EFP da Luz
Selecciones Matemáticas 6 (02), 156-177, 2019
Automatic configuration for neural network applied to atmospheric temperature profile identification
SBM Sambatti, JA Anochi, EFP Luz, AR Carvalho, EH Shiguemori, ...
3rd International Conference on International Conference on Engineering …, 2012
Multi-particle collision algorithm with reflected points
RH Torres, EFP da Luz, HF de Campos Velho
Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied …, 2015
Estimating atmospheric area source strength through particle swarm optimization
EFP da Luz, HF de Campos Velho, JC Becceneri, DR Roberti
Estimação de fonte de poluição atmosférica usando otimização por enxame de partículas
EFP da Luz
Using ant colony systems with pheromone dispersion in the traveling salesman problem
JC Becceneri, S Sandri, EF da Luz
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 333-341, 2008
Algoritmo de Colisao de Partıculas
WF Sacco, DC Knupp, EFP Luz, AJ Silva Neto
Técnicas de Inteligência Computacional Inspiradas na Natureza Aplicaçao em …, 2009
Conceitualizaçao do algoritmo vagalume e sua aplicaçao na estimativa de condiçao inicial da equaçao de calor
EFP Luz, JC Becceneri, HF de Campos Velho
Anais do XI Workshop de Computaçao Aplicada do Laboratório Associado de …, 2009
Uma nova metaheurística baseada em algoritmo de colisão de múltiplas partículas
EFP da Luz, JC Becceneri, HF de Campos Velho
Addition of atmosphere turbulence in the particle swarm optimization algorithm
JC Becceneri, S Stephany, HFC Velho, EFP Luz
National Computing and Applied Math. Congress, 2006
Multi-particle collision algorithm for solving an inverse radiative problem
R Hernández Torres, EFP Luz, HF Campos Velho
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Theoretical and Computational …, 2015
Evaluating Volunteers' Contributions in a Citizen Science Project
JS Arcanjo, EFP da Luz, ÁL Fazenda, FM Ramos
2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on e-Science 1, 21-28, 2014
Automatic configuration of an artificial neural network with application o data assimilation
SBM Sambatti, HCM Furtado, JA Anochi, EFP da Luz, ...
XII International Conference on Integral Methods in Science and Engineering …, 2012
Optimization by firefly with predation for ensemble precipitation estimation using BRAMS
EF da Luz, AF dos Santos, SR Freitas, HF de Campos Velho, GA Grell
A decision-making differential model for social insects
RA Assis, E Venturino, WC Ferreira Jr, EFP da Luz
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 86 (10-11), 1907-1920, 2009
A fuzzy ant colony optimization algorithm for the estimation of radiative properties in one-dimensional homogeneous participating media
RP Souto, EFP da Luz, JC Becceneri, S Stephany, HF de Campos Velho, ...
20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2009
Análise de sensibilidade das simulaç oes de precipitaçao convectiva do modelo bramsas melhorias na parametrizaçao de cumulus. Anais do XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia …
AF dos Santos, EFP da Luz, SR de Freitas, G Grell, HF de Campos Velho, ...
XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia.(a)(b), 2010
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Artigos 1–20