Gregory R. Sivakoff
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Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A
IceCube Collaboration, MAGIC, AGILE, ASAS-SN, HAWC, HESS, ...
Science 361 (6398), eaat1378, 2018
The Karl G. Jansky very large array sky survey (VLASS). Science case and survey design
M Lacy, SA Baum, CJ Chandler, S Chatterjee, TE Clarke, S Deustua, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 132 (1009), 035001, 2020
WATCHDOG: a comprehensive all-sky database of galactic black hole X-ray binaries
BE Tetarenko, GR Sivakoff, CO Heinke, JC Gladstone
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 222 (2), 15, 2016
The ACS Virgo Cluster Survey. X. Half-light radii of globular clusters in early-type galaxies: environmental dependencies and a standard ruler for distance estimation
A Jordán, P Côté, JP Blakeslee, L Ferrarese, DE McLaughlin, S Mei, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 634 (2), 1002, 2005
Radiatively efficient accreting black holes in the hard state: the case study of H1743–322
M Coriat, S Corbel, L Prat, JCA Miller-Jones, D Cseh, AK Tzioumis, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 414 (1), 677-690, 2011
Cygnus X-1 contains a 21–solar mass black hole—Implications for massive star winds
JCA Miller-Jones, A Bahramian, JA Orosz, I Mandel, L Gou, TJ Maccarone, ...
Science 371 (6533), 1046-1049, 2021
An actively accreting massive black hole in the dwarf starburst galaxy Henize 2-10
AE Reines, GR Sivakoff, KE Johnson, CL Brogan
Nature 470 (7332), 66-68, 2011
2MASS reveals a large intrinsic fraction of BALQSOs
X Dai, F Shankar, GR Sivakoff
The Astrophysical Journal 672 (1), 108-114, 2008
Disc-jet coupling in the 2009 outburst of the black hole candidate H1743-322
JCA Miller-Jones, GR Sivakoff, D Altamirano, M Coriat, S Corbel, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 421 (1), 468-485, 2012
High-energy particle acceleration at the radio-lobe shock of Centaurus A
JH Croston, RP Kraft, MJ Hardcastle, M Birkinshaw, DM Worrall, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 395 (4), 1999-2012, 2009
The evolution of active galactic nuclei in clusters of galaxies to redshift 1.3
P Martini, GR Sivakoff, JS Mulchaey
The Astrophysical Journal 701 (1), 66, 2009
Potential kick velocity distribution of black hole X-ray binaries and implications for natal kicks
P Atri, JCA Miller-Jones, A Bahramian, RM Plotkin, PG Jonker, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489 (3), 3116-3134, 2019
No evidence for intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters: strong constraints from the JVLA
J Strader, L Chomiuk, TJ Maccarone, JCA Miller-Jones, AC Seth, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 750 (2), L27, 2012
Deep radio imaging of 47 Tuc identifies the peculiar X-ray source X9 as a new black hole candidate
JCA Miller-Jones, J Strader, CO Heinke, TJ Maccarone, M van den Berg, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453 (4), 3918-3931, 2015
The low-mass X-ray binary and globular cluster connection in virgo cluster early-type galaxies: Optical properties
GR Sivakoff, A Jordán, CL Sarazin, JP Blakeslee, P Côté, L Ferrarese, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 660 (2), 1246, 2007
Low Mass X-ray Binaries and Globular Clusters in Early-Type Galaxies
CL Sarazin, GR Sivakoff, AM Juett, A Jordán, P Côté
The X-ray Universe 2005, 409, 2006
Low-mass x-ray binaries and globular clusters in early-type galaxies
CL Sarazin, A Kundu, JA Irwin, GR Sivakoff, EL Blanton, SW Randall
The Astrophysical Journal 595 (2), 743, 2003
The MAVERIC survey: still no evidence for accreting intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters
E Tremou, J Strader, L Chomiuk, L Shishkovsky, TJ Maccarone, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 862 (1), 16, 2018
Measuring the cooling of the neutron star in Cassiopeia A with all Chandra X-ray observatory detectors
KG Elshamouty, CO Heinke, GR Sivakoff, WCG Ho, PS Shternin, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 777 (1), 22, 2013
Stellar encounter rate in galactic globular clusters
A Bahramian, CO Heinke, GR Sivakoff, JC Gladstone
The Astrophysical Journal 766 (2), 136, 2013
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