Helena Prima Garcia
Helena Prima Garcia
Molecular Science Institute, Valencia, Spain
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Gd-Based Single-Ion Magnets with Tunable Magnetic Anisotropy:<? format?> Molecular Design of Spin Qubits
MJ Martínez-Pérez, S Cardona-Serra, C Schlegel, F Moro, PJ Alonso, ...
Physical review letters 108 (24), 247213, 2012
Magnetic in-tube solid phase microextraction
Y Moliner-Martínez, H Prima-Garcia, A Ribera, E Coronado, ...
Analytical chemistry 84 (16), 7233-7240, 2012
Silica supported Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles for magnetic solid-phase extraction and magnetic in-tube solid-phase microextraction: application to …
Y Moliner-Martinez, Y Vitta, H Prima-Garcia, RA González-Fuenzalida, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 406, 2211-2215, 2014
Nonequilibrium Magnetization Dynamics of Gadolinium Studied by Magnetic Linear Dichroism in Time-Resolved Core-Level Photoemission
A Melnikov, H Prima-Garcia, M Lisowski, T Gießel, R Weber, R Schmidt, ...
Physical review letters 100 (10), 107202, 2008
Coherent manipulation of spin qubits based on polyoxometalates: the case of the single ion magnet [GdW 30 P 5 O 110] 14−
JJ Baldoví, S Cardona-Serra, JM Clemente-Juan, E Coronado, ...
Chemical Communications 49 (79), 8922-8924, 2013
Coherence and organisation in lanthanoid complexes: from single ion magnets to spin qubits
A Gaita-Ariño, H Prima-García, S Cardona-Serra, L Escalera-Moreno, ...
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 3 (5), 568-577, 2016
Enhancing Light Emission in Interface Engineered Spin‐OLEDs through Spin‐Polarized Injection at High Voltages
JP Prieto‐Ruiz, SG Miralles, H Prima‐García, A López‐Muñoz, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (10), 1806817, 2019
In‐Situ Growth of Ultrathin Films of NiFe‐LDHs: Towards a Hierarchical Synthesis of Bamboo‐Like Carbon Nanotubes
G Abellán, JA Carrasco, E Coronado, JP Prieto‐Ruiz, H Prima‐García
Advanced Materials Interfaces 1 (6), 1400184, 2014
Evaluation of superparamagnetic silica nanoparticles for extraction of triazines in magnetic in-tube solid phase microextraction coupled to capillary liquid chromatography
RA González-Fuenzalida, Y Moliner-Martínez, H Prima-Garcia, A Ribera, ...
Nanomaterials 4 (2), 242-255, 2014
Influence of the covalent grafting of organic radicals to graphene on its magnetoresistance
C Bosch-Navarro, F Busolo, E Coronado, Y Duan, C Martí-Gastaldo, ...
J. Mater. Chem 100 (1), 4590-4598, 2013
Magneto‐Optical Properties of Electrodeposited Thin Films of the Molecule‐Based Magnet Cr5.5(CN)12·11.5H2O
E Coronado, M Makarewicz, JP Prieto‐Ruiz, H Prima‐García, FM Romero
Advanced Materials 23 (37), 4323-4326, 2011
Giant enhancement in the supercapacitance of NiFe–graphene nanocomposites induced by a magnetic field
J Romero, H Prima‐Garcia, M Varela, SG Miralles, V Oestreicher, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (28), 1900189, 2019
Graphene electrochemical responses sense surroundings
JG Martínez, TF Otero, C Bosch-Navarro, E Coronado, C Martí-Gastaldo, ...
Electrochimica Acta 81, 49-57, 2012
Sublimable chloroquinolinate lanthanoid single-ion magnets deposited on ferromagnetic electrodes
SG Miralles, A Bedoya-Pinto, JJ Baldoví, W Canon-Mancisidor, Y Prado, ...
Chemical Science 9 (1), 199-208, 2018
CVD synthesis of carbon spheres using NiFe-LDHs as catalytic precursors: structural, electrochemical and magnetoresistive properties
JA Carrasco, H Prima-Garcia, J Romero, J Hernández-Saz, SI Molina, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (3), 440-448, 2016
Zinc oxide nanocrystals as electron injecting building blocks for plastic light sources
M Sessolo, HJ Bolink, H Brine, H Prima-Garcia, R Tena-Zaera
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (11), 4916-4920, 2012
Spin‐Polarized Hopping Transport in Magnetically Tunable Rare‐Earth Quinolines
A Bedoya‐Pinto, H Prima‐García, F Casanova, E Coronado, LE Hueso
Advanced Electronic Materials 1 (6), 1500065, 2015
Graphene enhances the magnetoresistance of FeNi 3 nanoparticles in hierarchical FeNi 3–graphene nanocomposites
G Abellán, H Prima-García, E Coronado
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (11), 2252-2258, 2016
Peptides as versatile platforms for quantum computing
LE Rosaleny, S Cardona-Serra, L Escalera-Moreno, JJ Baldoví, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (16), 4522-4526, 2018
Intravenous SPION-labeled adipocyte-derived stem cells targeted to the brain by magnetic attraction in a rat stroke model: An ultrastructural insight into cell fate within the …
P García-Belda, H Prima-García, A Aliena-Valero, M Castelló-Ruiz, ...
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 39, 102464, 2022
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