Paula Hyde
Paula Hyde
Professor of Organisations and Society
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Still blue‐collar after all these years? An ethnography of the professionalization of emergency ambulance work
L McCann, E Granter, P Hyde, J Hassard
Journal of Management Studies 50 (5), 750-776, 2013
Organisational professional conflict and hybrid clinician managers: the effects of dual roles in Australian health care organisations
L Kippist, A Fitzgerald
Journal of Health Organization and Management 23 (6), 642-655, 2009
Human resource management and performance in healthcare organisations
C Harris, P Cortvriend, P Hyde
Journal of health organization and management 21 (4/5), 448-459, 2007
Casting the lean spell: The promotion, dilution and erosion of lean management in the NHS
L McCann, JS Hassard, E Granter, PJ Hyde
Human relations 68 (10), 1557-1577, 2015
Multiple dimensions of work intensity: Ambulance work as edgework
E Granter, P Wankhade, L McCann, J Hassard, P Hyde
Work, Employment and Society 33 (2), 280-297, 2019
Service design, culture and performance: Collusion and co-production in health care
P Hyde, HTO Davies
Human relations 57 (11), 1407-1426, 2004
Organizational failure and turnaround: Lessons for public services from the for-profit sector
K Walshe, G Harvey, P Hyde, N Pandit
Public Money & Management 24 (4), 201-208, 2004
Organizational blind spots: Splitting, blame and idealization in the National Health Service
M Fotaki, P Hyde
Human relations 68 (3), 441-462, 2015
Role redesign: new ways of working in the NHS
P Hyde, A McBride, R Young, K Walshe
Personnel Review 34 (6), 697-712, 2005
‘Upon the gears and upon the wheels’: Terror convergence and total administration in the neoliberal university
L McCann, E Granter, P Hyde, J Aroles
Management Learning 51 (4), 431-451, 2020
Participatory organizational research: Examining voice in the co‐production of knowledge
D Burns, P Hyde, A Killett, F Poland, R Gray
British Journal of Management 25 (1), 133-144, 2014
Human relations management, expectations and healthcare: A qualitative study
P Hyde, C Harris, R Boaden, P Cortvriend
Human Relations 62 (5), 701-725, 2009
Wicked problems or wicked people? Reconceptualising institutional abuse
D Burns, P Hyde, A Killett
Sociology of health & illness 35 (4), 514-528, 2013
Culture and climate in health care organizations
J Braithwaite, P Hyde, C Pope
Springer, 2009
Pro-social organisational behaviour of health care workers
P Hyde, C Harris, R Boaden
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (16), 3115-3130, 2013
“You can't do both—something will give”: limitations of the targets culture in managing UK health care workforces
L McCann, E Granter, J Hassard, P Hyde
Human resource management 54 (5), 773-791, 2015
Hybrid managers, career narratives and identity work: A contextual analysis of UK healthcare organizations
M Bresnen, D Hodgson, S Bailey, J Hassard, P Hyde
Human Relations 72 (8), 1341-1368, 2019
Where does the money go? Financialised chains and the crisis in residential care
D Burns, L Cowie, J Earle, P Folkman, J Froud, P Hyde, S Johal, IR Jones, ...
CRESC Public Interest Report March, 2016
New game, old rules? Mechanisms and consequences of legitimation in boundary spanning activities
R Kislov, P Hyde, R McDonald
Organization Studies 38 (10), 1421-1444, 2017
Improving health through human resource management. Mapping the territory.
P Hyde, R Boaden, P Cortvriend, C Harris, M Marchington, S Pass, ...
Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, 2006
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