Michael Wübbenhorst
Michael Wübbenhorst
Professor of Experimental Soft Matter Physics, KU Leuven
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Analysis of complex dielectric spectra. I. One-dimensional derivative techniques and three-dimensional modelling
M Wübbenhorst, J Van Turnhout
Journal of non-crystalline solids 305 (1-3), 40-49, 2002
The lifetime of the deviations from bulk behaviour in polymers confined at the nanoscale
S Napolitano, M Wübbenhorst
Nature Communications, 1-7, 2011
Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of imidazolium ionic liquids
J Leys, M Wübbenhorst, C Preethy Menon, R Rajesh, J Thoen, C Glorieux, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (6), 2008
Ultralow‐k Dielectrics Made by Supercritical Foaming of Thin Polymer Films
B Krause, GH Koops, NFA van der Vegt, M Wessling, M Wübbenhorst, ...
Advanced materials 14 (15), 1041-1046, 2002
Can thickness and interfacial interactions univocally determine the behavior of polymers confined at the nanoscale?
S Napolitano, C Rotella, M Wubbenhorst
ACS macro letters 1 (10), 1189-1193, 2012
1, 2, 4-Triazolium perfluorobutanesulfonate as an archetypal pure protic organic ionic plastic crystal electrolyte for all-solid-state fuel cells
J Luo, AH Jensen, NR Brooks, J Sniekers, M Knipper, D Aili, Q Li, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 8 (4), 1276-1291, 2015
Chromophore–zeolite composites: the organizing role of molecular sieves
JÜR Caro, F Marlow, M Wübbenhorst
Advanced materials 6 (5), 413-416, 1994
Slowing down of the crystallization kinetics in ultrathin polymer films: A size or an interface effect?
S Napolitano, M Wübbenhorst
Macromolecules 39 (18), 5967-5970, 2006
Dielectric signature of a dead layer in ultrathin films of a nonpolar polymer
S Napolitano, M Wübbenhorst
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (31), 9197-9199, 2007
Crystallization of thin polymer layers confined between two adsorbing walls
B Vanroy, M Wubbenhorst, S Napolitano
ACS macro letters 2 (2), 168-172, 2013
Specific heat and dielectric relaxations in ultra-thin polystyrene layers
V Lupaşcu, H Huth, C Schick, M Wübbenhorst
Thermochimica Acta 432 (2), 222-228, 2005
Unusual Deviations from Bulk Behavior in Ultrathin Films of Poly(tert-butylstyrene): Can Dead Layers Induce a Reduction of Tg?
S Napolitano, A Pilleri, P Rolla, M Wubbenhorst
Acs Nano 4 (2), 841-848, 2010
Electromechanically active polymers: a concise reference
F Carpi
Springer, 2016
Dielectric Characterization of a Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Copolyesteramide: 1. Relaxation Peak Assignment
A Boersma, J Van Turnhout, M Wübbenhorst
Macromolecules 31, 7453-7460, 1998
Analysis of complex dielectric spectra. II: Evaluation of the activation energy landscape by differential sampling
J van Turnhout, M Wübbenhorst
Journal of non-crystalline solids 305 (1-3), 50-58, 2002
Phase separation as a tool to control dispersion of multiwall carbon nanotubes in polymeric blends
S Bose, C Ozdilek, J Leys, JW Seo, M Wubbenhorst, J Vermant, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 2 (3), 800-807, 2010
Dynamics in geometrical confinement
F Kremer
Springer International Publishing, 2014
Polar switching in trialkylbenzene-1, 3, 5-tricarboxamides
CFC Fitié, WSC Roelofs, PCMM Magusin, M Wübbenhorst, M Kemerink, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (13), 3928-3937, 2012
Structural relaxation and dynamic fragility of freely standing polymer films
S Napolitano, M Wübbenhorst
Polymer 51 (23), 5309-5312, 2010
Dielectric and fluorescent probes to investigate glass transition, melt, and crystallization in polyolefins
O van den Berg, WGF Sengers, WF Jager, SJ Picken, M Wübbenhorst
Macromolecules 37 (7), 2460-2470, 2004
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Artigos 1–20