Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Iosif GalanakisSaiba mais
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Effect of correlation and disorder on the spin-wave spectra of , and Heusler alloys: A first-principles study
G Fischer, X Zubizarreta, A Marmodoro, M Hoffmann, P Buczek, N Buczek, ...
Physical Review Materials 4 (6), 064405, 2020
Autorizações: US Department of Energy, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Disponíveis em algum local: 14
Ab initio calculation of the effective on-site Coulomb interaction parameters for half-metallic magnets
E Sasioglu, I Galanakis, C Friedrich, S Blugel
Phys. Rev. B 88, 134402, 2013
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Possible half-metallic behavior of Heusler alloys: Theory and experiment
R Mahat, S Kc, U Karki, JY Law, V Franco, I Galanakis, A Gupta, P LeClair
Physical Review B 104 (1), 014430, 2021
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
Ab initio design of quaternary Heusler compounds for reconfigurable magnetic tunnel diodes and transistors
T Aull, E Şaşıoğlu, IV Maznichenko, S Ostanin, A Ernst, I Mertig, ...
Physical Review Materials 3 (12), 124415, 2019
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
High spin polarization in all-3d-metallic Heusler compounds: the case of Fe2CrZ and Co2CrZ (Z= Sc, Ti, V)
K Özdoğan, IV Maznichenko, S Ostanin, E Şaşıoğlu, A Ernst, I Mertig, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (20), 205003, 2019
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Excitons in ZnO quantum dots: the role of dielectric confinement
CS Garoufalis, Z Zeng, G Bester, I Galanakis, D Hayrapetyan, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (5), 2833-2838, 2022
Autorizações: European Commission
Violation of Hund's third rule in structurally disordered ferromagnets
V Kapaklis, PT Korelis, B Hjörvarsson, A Vlachos, I Galanakis, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (2), 024411, 2011
Autorizações: Swedish Research Council
Structural, electronic, magnetic, transport and mechanical properties of the half-metal-type quaternary Heusler alloy Co2Fe1-xVxGe
R Mahat, KC Shambhu, U Karki, S Regmi, JY Law, V Franco, I Galanakis, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 539, 168352, 2021
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
Effect of mixing the low-valence transition metal atoms = Co, Fe, Mn, Cr, V, Ti, or Sc on the properties of quaternary Heusler compounds ()
R Mahat, U Karki, S Kc, JY Law, V Franco, I Galanakis, A Gupta, P LeClair
Physical Review Materials 6 (6), 064413, 2022
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
Structural and Electronic Properties of Small Perovskite Nanoparticles of the Form ABX3 (A = MA, DEA, FA, GA, B = Pb, Sn, X = Cl, Br, I)
CS Garoufalis, I Galanakis, Z Zeng, DB Hayrapetyan, S Baskoutas
Electronic Materials 2 (3), 382-393, 2021
Autorizações: European Commission
Optical gain and entanglement through dielectric confinement and electric field in InP quantum dots
CS Garoufalis, DB Hayrapetyan, HA Sarkisyan, PA Mantashyan, Z Zeng, ...
Nanoscale 16 (17), 8447-8454, 2024
Autorizações: European Commission
First-principles prediction of energy bandgaps in 18-valence electron semiconducting half-Heusler compounds: Exploring the role of exchange and correlation
E Gürbüz, M Tas, E Şaşıoğlu, I Mertig, B Sanyal, I Galanakis
Journal of Applied Physics 134 (20), 2023
Autorizações: German Research Foundation, Swedish Research Council, Scientific and …
Structural, Electronic, Magnetic, and Mechanical Properties of Co2-xVxFeSi Heusler Alloys
R Mahat, KC Shambhu, U Karki, S Regmi, JY Law, V Franco, I Galanakis, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (2), 1-5, 2021
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
Ab initio calculation of the Hubbard and Hund exchange in local moment magnets: The case of Mn-based full Heusler compounds
M Tas, E Şaşıoğlu, S Blügel, I Mertig, I Galanakis
Physical Review Materials 6 (11), 114401, 2022
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Spin-polarized two-dimensional electron/hole gas at the interface of nonmagnetic semiconducting half-Heusler compounds: Modified Slater-Pauling rule for half-metallicity at the …
E Gürbüz, S Ghosh, E Şaşıoğlu, I Galanakis, I Mertig, B Sanyal
Physical Review Materials 7 (5), 054405, 2023
Autorizações: German Research Foundation, Swedish Research Council
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