Xiaowei Lei
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Bio-functional and anti-corrosive 3D printing 316L stainless steel fabricated by selective laser melting
D Kong, X Ni, C Dong, X Lei, L Zhang, C Man, J Yao, X Cheng, X Li
Materials & Design 152, 88-101, 2018
Impact of reversed austenite on the pitting corrosion behavior of super 13Cr martensitic stainless steel
X Lei, Y Feng, J Zhang, A Fu, C Yin, DD Macdonald
Electrochimica Acta 191, 640-650, 2016
Comparison of the synergistic effect of counterions on the inhibition of mild steel corrosion in acid solution: Electrochemical, gravimetric and thermodynamic studies
L Bai, LJ Feng, HY Wang, YB Lu, XW Lei, FL Bai
RSC Advances 5, 4716-4726, 2015
Electrochemical behaviour of martensitic stainless steel after immersion in a H2S-saturated solution
X Lei, H Wang, F Mao, J Zhang, M Zhao, A Fu, Y Feng, DD Macdonald
Corrosion Science 131, 164-173, 2018
Investigation of stress corrosion cracking behavior of super 13Cr tubing by full-scale tubular goods corrosion test system
XW Lei, YR Feng, AQ Fu, JX Zhang, ZQ Bai, CX Yin, CH Lu
Engineering Failure Analysis 50, 62-70, 2015
Synthesis, evaluation and thermodynamics of a 1H-benzo-imidazole phenanthroline derivative as a novel inhibitor for mild steel against acidic corrosion
X Lei, H Wang, Y Feng, J Zhang, X Sun, S Lai, Z Wang, S Kang
RSC advances 5 (120), 99084-99094, 2015
Studies on pitting corrosion of Al-Cu-Li alloys Part I: effect of Li addition by microstructural, electrochemical, in-situ, and pit depth analysis
X Lei, A Saatchi, E Ghanbari, R Dang, W Li, N Wang, DD Macdonald
Materials 12 (10), 1600, 2019
The anisotropy electrochemical corrosion behavior of Ni-based single crystal superalloy on different crystal planes: An investigation from the film growth aspect
YX Liu, XW Lei, LY Hao, SX Han, RN Yang, N Wang
Applied Surface Science 576, 151785, 2022
Laser additively manufactured intensive dual-phase steels and their microstructures, properties and corrosion resistance
JH Wen, LJ Zhang, J Ning, F Xue, XW Lei, JX Zhang, SJ Na
Materials & Design 192, 108710, 2020
Size matching effect between anion vacancies and halide ions in passive film breakdown on copper
D Kong, C Dong, X Wei, C Man, X Lei, F Mao, X Li
Electrochimica Acta 292, 817-827, 2018
Theoretical interpretation of anion size effects in passivity breakdown
DD Macdonald, X Lei
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 163 (13), C738, 2016
Studies on pitting corrosion of Al-Cu-Li alloys part ii: breakdown potential and pit initiation
E Ghanbari, A Saatchi, X Lei, DD Macdonald
Materials 12 (11), 1786, 2019
A comparable study on stray grain susceptibilities on different crystallographic planes in single crystal superalloys
JC Guo, P Rong, L Wang, WJ Chen, SX Han, RN Yang, XW Lei, WJ Yao, ...
Acta Materialia 205, 116558, 2021
Studies on pitting corrosion of Al–Cu–Li alloys part III: passivation kinetics of AA2098–T851 based on the point defect model
E Ghanbari, A Saatchi, X Lei, DD Macdonald
Materials 12 (12), 1912, 2019
Insight into the anisotropic electrochemical corrosion behaviors of laser metal deposited Ni-based single crystal superalloy
S Han, J Zhang, X Lei, R Yang, N Wang
Corrosion Science 217, 111111, 2023
Insight into the passivation and corrosion behavior of additive manufacturing repaired single crystal superalloy
X Lei, VL Nuam, Y Deng, Y Yuan, M Liu, W Yao, N Wang
Corrosion Science 203, 110340, 2022
Influence of γ/γ′ morphology evolution on the mechanical properties of Ni-based single crystal superalloys formed by laser metal deposition
JC Guo, SX Han, RN Yang, XW Lei, N Wang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 836, 142714, 2022
Failure analysis of weld cracking in a thick-walled 2.25 Cr-1Mo steel pressure vessel
X Lei, J Niu, J Zhang, A Fu, Y Feng
Journal of materials engineering and performance 23, 1231-1239, 2014
Stress corrosion cracking behavior of super 13Cr tubing in phosphate packer fluid of high pressure high temperature gas well
A Fu, Y Long, H Liu, M Zhao, J Xie, H Su, X Li, J Yuan, X Lei, C Yin, ...
Engineering Failure Analysis 139, 106478, 2022
Investigation on laser beam remelted Al–Cu–Li alloy part I: Segregation and aging behavior at grain and dendrite boundaries
X Lei, VL Nuam, Y Bai, R Dang, W Li, W Yao, N Wang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 855, 157519, 2021
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