Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı Çakır
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı Çakır
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Extended investigation of intermartensitic transitions in Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloys: A detailed phase diagram determination
A Çakır, L Righi, F Albertini, M Acet, M Farle, S Aktürk
Juornal of Applied Physics 114, 183912, 2013
Intermartensitic transitions and phase stability in Ni50Mn50− xSnx Heusler alloys
A Çakır, L Righi, F Albertini, M Acet, M Farle
Acta Materialia 99, 140-149, 2015
Ab initio Prediction of Martensitic and Intermartensitic Phase Boundaries in Ni-Mn-Ga
B Dutta, A Çakır, C Giacobbe, A Al-Zubi, T Hickel, M Acet, J Neugebauer
Physical Review Letters 116 (2), 025503, 2016
Shell-ferromagnetism of nano-Heuslers generated by segregation under magnetic field
A Çakır, M Acet, M Farle
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 28931, 2016
Shell-ferromagnetic precipitation in martensitic off-stoichiometric Ni-Mn-In Heusler alloys produced by temper-annealing under magnetic field
A Çakır, M Acet, U Wiedwald, T Krenke, M Farle
Acta Materialia 127, 117-123, 2017
Exchange bias caused by field-induced spin reconfiguration in Ni-Mn-Sn
A Çakır, M Acet, M Farle
Physical Review B 93 (9), 094411, 2016
Magnetic proximity effect and shell-ferromagnetism in metastable Ni50Mn45Ga5
T Krenke, A Çakır, F Scheibel, M Acet, M Farle
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (243904), 2016
Properties and decomposition of Heusler alloys
P Entel, ME Gruner, M Acet, A Çakır, R Arróyave, T Duong, S Sahoo, ...
Energy Technology 6 (8), 1478-1490, 2018
Probing Structural and Magnetic Instabilities and Hysteresis in Heuslers by Density Functional Theory Calculations
physica status solidi b 1700296, 1-14, 2017
Segregation tendency of Heusler alloys
VV Sokolovskiy, ME Gruner, P Entel, M Acet, A Çakır, DR Baigutlin, ...
Physical Review Materials 3 (8), 084413, 2019
Annealing-time and annealing-temperature dependencies of the size of Ni-Mn-In shell-ferromagnetic nano-precipitates by Scherrer analysis
L Dincklage, F Scheibel, A Çakır, M Farle, M Acet
AIP Advances 8 (2), 2018
Evidence for the formation of nanoprecipitates with magnetically disordered regions in bulk Heusler alloys
G Benacchio, I Titov, A Malyeyev, I Peral, M Bersweiler, P Bender, ...
Physical Review B 99 (18), 184422, 2019
Kinetic arrest and exchange bias in Ni–Mn–Ga
A Cakır, M Acet, M Farle
physica status solidi (b) 251 (10), 2120-2125, 2014
transition-metal high-entropy Invar alloy developed by adjusting the valence-electron concentration
Z Rao, A Çakır, Ö Özgün, D Ponge, D Raabe, Z Li, M Acet
Physical Review Materials 5 (4), 044406, 2021
Room-temperature five-tesla coercivity of a rare-earth-free shell-ferromagnet
F Scheibel, D Spoddig, R Meckenstock, T Gottschall, A Çakır, T Krenke, ...
Applied Physics Letters 110, 192406, 2017
Neutron diffraction and symmetry analysis of the martensitic transformation in Co-doped
F Orlandi, A Çakır, P Manuel, DD Khalyavin, M Acet, L Righi
Physical Review B 101 (9), 094105, 2020
Shell-ferromagnetism in Ni-Mn-based Heuslers in view of ductile Ni-Mn-Al
A Çakır, M Acet
AIP Advances 7, 056424, 2017
Non-volatile high-temperature shell-magnetic pinning of Ni-Mn-Sn Heusler precipitates obtained by decomposition under magnetic field
A Çakır, M Acet
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2018
Shell-ferromagnetism and decomposition in off-stoichiometric Ni50Mn50–xSbx Heuslers
Z Wanjiku, A Çakır, F Scheibel, U Wiedwald, M Farle, M Acet
Journal of Applied Physics 125 (4), 2019
Investigation of Temperature Dependent Magnetization and Elastic Modulus in Si-doped Fe65Ni35 Invar Alloys
UC Özöğüt, A Çakır
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 705, 126-130, 2017
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