Gillian Whalley
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Predicting survival in heart failure: a risk score based on 39 372 patients from 30 studies
SJ Pocock, CA Ariti, JJV McMurray, A Maggioni, L Køber, IB Squire, ...
European heart journal 34 (19), 1404-1413, 2013
The survival of patients with heart failure with preserved or reduced left ventricular ejection fraction: an individual patient data meta-analysis
Meta-analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure (MAGGIC)
European heart journal 33 (14), 1750-1757, 2012
Left ventricular remodeling with carvedilol in patients with congestive heart failure due to ischemic heart disease
RN Doughty, GA Whalley, G Gamble, S MacMahon, N Sharpe, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 29 (5), 1060-1066, 1997
Effects of carvedilol on left ventricular remodeling after acute myocardial infarction: the CAPRICORN Echo Substudy
RN Doughty, GA Whalley, HA Walsh, GD Gamble, J López-Sendón, ...
Circulation 109 (2), 201-206, 2004
Randomized, controlled trial of integrated heart failure management. The Auckland Heart Failure Management Study
RN Doughty, SP Wright, A Pearl, HJ Walsh, S Muncaster, GA Whalley, ...
European heart journal 23 (2), 139-146, 2002
Plasma amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide and accuracy of heart-failure diagnosis in primary care: a randomized, controlled trial
SP Wright, RN Doughty, A Pearl, GD Gamble, GA Whalley, HJ Walsh, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 42 (10), 1793-1800, 2003
Does a glass of red wine improve endothelial function?
S Agewall, S Wright, RN Doughty, GA Whalley, M Duxbury, N Sharpe
European heart journal 21 (1), 74-78, 2000
Gender and survival in patients with heart failure: interactions with diabetes and aetiology. Results from the MAGGIC individual patient meta‐analysis
M Martínez‐Sellés, RN Doughty, K Poppe, GA Whalley, N Earle, ...
European journal of heart failure 14 (5), 473-479, 2012
The obesity paradox in heart failure patients with preserved versus reduced ejection fraction: a meta-analysis of individual patient data
R Padwal, FA McAlister, JJV McMurray, MR Cowie, M Rich, S Pocock, ...
International journal of obesity 38 (8), 1110-1114, 2014
Renal dysfunction in patients with heart failure with preserved versus reduced ejection fraction: impact of the new Chronic Kidney Disease-Epidemiology Collaboration Group formula
FA McAlister, J Ezekowitz, L Tarantini, I Squire, M Komajda, ...
Circulation: Heart Failure 5 (3), 309-314, 2012
Determinants of left ventricular hypertrophy and systolic dysfunction in chronic renal failure
SC Greaves, GD Gamble, JF Collins, GA Whalley, DN Sharpe
American journal of kidney diseases 24 (5), 768-776, 1994
Independent prognostic importance of a restrictive left ventricular filling pattern after myocardial infarction: an individual patient meta-analysis: Meta-Analysis Research …
Meta-Analysis Research Group in Echocardiography (MeRGE) AMI Collaborators
Circulation 117 (20), 2591-2598, 2008
Independent relationship of left atrial size and mortality in patients with heart failure: an individual patient meta‐analysis of longitudinal data (MeRGE Heart Failure)
A Rossi, PL Temporelli, M Quintana, FL Dini, S Ghio, GS Hillis, AL Klein, ...
European journal of heart failure 11 (10), 929-936, 2009
The prognostic significance of heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction: a literature-based meta-analysis
JB Somaratne, C Berry, JJV McMurray, KK Poppe, RN Doughty, ...
European journal of heart failure 11 (9), 855-862, 2009
Uptake of self‐management strategies in a heart failure management programme
SP Wright, H Walsh, KM Ingley, SA Muncaster, GD Gamble, A Pearl, ...
European Journal of Heart Failure 5 (3), 371-380, 2003
Relationship of serum sodium concentration to mortality in a wide spectrum of heart failure patients with preserved and with reduced ejection fraction: an individual patient …
D Rusinaru, C Tribouilloy, C Berry, AM Richards, GA Whalley, N Earle, ...
European journal of heart failure 14 (10), 1139-1146, 2012
Three-dimensional assessment of left ventricular systolic strain in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, diastolic dysfunction, and normal ejection fraction
CG Fonseca, AM Dissanayake, RN Doughty, GA Whalley, GD Gamble, ...
The American journal of cardiology 94 (11), 1391-1395, 2004
Heart failure in younger patients: the Meta-analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure (MAGGIC)
CM Wong, NM Hawkins, MC Petrie, PS Jhund, RS Gardner, CA Ariti, ...
European heart journal 35 (39), 2714-2721, 2014
Ethnic-specific normative reference values for echocardiographic LA and LV size, LV mass, and systolic function: the EchoNoRMAL study
KK Poppe, RN Doughty, JM Gardin, FDR Hobbs, JJV McMurray, ...
JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 8 (6), 656-665, 2015
Comparison of ultrasound assessment of flow‐mediated dilatation in the radial and brachial artery with upper and forearm cuff positions
S Agewall, RN Doughty, W Bagg, GA Whalley, G Braatvedt, N Sharpe
Clinical physiology 21 (1), 9-14, 2001
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