Afshin Babaie Aghdam
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An experimental investigation of the bolt clamping force and friction effect on the fatigue behavior of aluminum alloy 2024-T3 double shear lap joint
TN Chakherlou, MJ Razavi, AB Aghdam, B Abazadeh
Materials & Design 32 (8-9), 4641-4649, 2011
Developing a robust SHM method for offshore jacket platform using model updating and fuzzy logic system
A Mojtahedi, MAL Yaghin, Y Hassanzadeh, MM Ettefagh, MH Aminfar, ...
Applied Ocean Research 33 (4), 398-411, 2011
On the correlation between wear and entropy in dry sliding contact
AB Aghdam, MM Khonsari
Wear 270 (11-12), 781-790, 2011
Experimental and numerical comparison of cold expansion and interference fit methods in improving fatigue life of holed plate in double shear lap joints
TN Chakherlou, H Taghizadeh, AB Aghdam
Aerospace Science and Technology 29 (1), 351-362, 2013
Effect of cold expansion on the fatigue life of Al 2024-T3 in double shear lap joints: Experimental and numerical investigations
TN Chakherlou, M Shakouri, AB Aghdam, A Akbari
Materials & Design 33, 185-196, 2012
Prediction of wear in reciprocating dry sliding via dissipated energy and temperature rise
AB Aghdam, MM Khonsari
Tribology Letters 50, 365-378, 2013
Effect of cold expansion and bolt clamping on fretting fatigue behavior of Al 2024-T3 in double shear lap joints
TN Chakherlou, M Shakouri, A Akbari, AB Aghdam
Engineering failure analysis 25, 29-41, 2012
An experimental investigation on the effect of short time exposure to elevated temperature on fatigue life of cold expanded fastener holes
TN Chakherlou, AB Aghdam
Materials & Design 29 (8), 1504-1511, 2008
On the fretting crack nucleation with provision for size effect
AB Aghdam, A Beheshti, MM Khonsari
Tribology international 47, 32-43, 2012
An FE analysis for assessing the effect of short-term exposure to elevated temperature on residual stresses around cold expanded fastener holes in aluminum alloy 7075-T6
AB Aghdam, TN Chakherlou, K Saeedi
Materials & Design 31 (1), 500-507, 2010
Prediction of wear in grease-lubricated oscillatory journal bearings via energy-based approach
AB Aghdam, MM Khonsari
Wear 318 (1-2), 188-201, 2014
Analysis of cold expanded fastener holes subjected to short time creep: Finite element modelling and fatigue tests
TN Chakherlou, AB Aghdam, A Akbari, K Saeedi
Materials & Design 31 (6), 2858-2866, 2010
Prediction of fatigue life in cold expanded Al-alloy 2024-T3 plates used in double shear lap joints
H Taghizadeh, TN Chakherlou, AB Aghdam
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 27, 1415-1425, 2013
Effect of bolt clamping force on the fracture strength of mixed mode fracture in an edge crack with different sizes: Experimental and numerical investigations
TN Chakherlou, HN Maleki, AB Aghdam, B Abazadeh
Materials & Design 45, 430-439, 2013
Application of a thermodynamically based wear estimation methodology
AB Aghdam, MM Khonsari
Journal of Tribology 138 (4), 041601, 2016
On the variation of clamping force in bolted double lap joints subjected to longitudinal loading: A numerical and experimental investigation
TN Chakherlou, MJ Razavi, AB Aghdam
Strain 48 (1), 21-29, 2012
Deterministic surface tractions in rough contact under stick–slip condition: Application to fretting fatigue crack initiation
A Beheshti, AB Aghdam, MM Khonsari
International journal of fatigue 56, 75-85, 2013
On the prediction of fatigue life in double shear lap joints including interference fitted pin
TN Chakherlou, H Taghizadeh, M Mirzajanzadeh, AB Aghdam
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 96, 340-354, 2012
Prediction of crack nucleation in rough line-contact fretting via continuum damage mechanics approach
AB Aghdam, A Beheshti, MM Khonsari
Tribology Letters 53, 631-643, 2014
Investigating bolt clamping force effect on the mixed mode fracture strength and stress intensity factor for an edge crack in PMMA specimens
TN Chakherlou, HN Maleki, B Abazadeh, AB Aghdam
Materials Science and Engineering: A 533, 71-81, 2012
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