Norbert Hoffmann
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Rogue wave observation in a water wave tank
A Chabchoub, NP Hoffmann, N Akhmediev
Physical Review Letters 106 (20), 204502, 2011
Super rogue waves: observation of a higher-order breather in water waves
A Chabchoub, N Hoffmann, M Onorato, N Akhmediev
Physical Review X 2 (1), 011015, 2012
A minimal model for studying properties of the mode-coupling type instability in friction induced oscillations
N Hoffmann, M Fischer, R Allgaier, L Gaul
Mechanics research communications 29 (4), 197-205, 2002
Effects of damping on mode‐coupling instability in friction induced oscillations
N Hoffmann, L Gaul
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2003
Observation of a hierarchy of up to fifth-order rogue waves in a water tank
A Chabchoub, N Hoffmann, M Onorato, A Slunyaev, A Sergeeva, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (5 …, 2012
Experimental observation of dark solitons on the surface of water
A Chabchoub, O Kimmoun, H Branger, N Hoffmann, D Proment, ...
Physical Review Letters 110, 124101, 2013
Super-rogue waves in simulations based on weakly nonlinear and fully nonlinear hydrodynamic equations
A Slunyaev, E Pelinovsky, A Sergeeva, A Chabchoub, N Hoffmann, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (1 …, 2013
Experimental study of spatiotemporally localized surface gravity water waves
A Chabchoub, N Akhmediev, NP Hoffmann
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (1 …, 2012
Friction induced vibrations of brakes: research fields and activities
NP Hoffmann, L Gaul
SAE Technical Paper, 2008
The influence of component design, bearing clearance and axial load on the squeaking characteristics of ceramic hip articulations
A Hothan, G Huber, C Weiss, N Hoffmann, M Morlock
Journal of Biomechanics 44 (5), 837-841, 2011
Deep learning for brake squeal: Brake noise detection, characterization and prediction
M Stender, M Tiedemann, D Spieler, D Schoepflin, N Hoffmann, S Oberst
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 149, 107181, 2021
The influence of joints on friction induced vibration in brake squeal
S Kruse, M Tiedemann, B Zeumer, P Reuss, H Hetzler, N Hoffmann
Journal of Sound and Vibration 340, 239-252, 2015
A sufficient criterion for the onset of sprag-slip oscillations
N Hoffmann, L Gaul
Archive of Applied Mechanics 73 (9), 650-660, 2004
Experiments on wind-perturbed rogue wave hydrodynamics using the Peregrine breather model
A Chabchoub, N Hoffmann, H Branger, C Kharif, N Akhmediev
Physics of Fluids 25 (10), 2013
Squeak in hip endoprosthesis systems: an experimental study and a numerical technique to analyze design variants
C Weiss, P Gdaniec, NP Hoffmann, A Hothan, G Huber, MM Morlock
Medical Engineering & Physics 32 (6), 604-609, 2010
A numerical study on stick–slip motion of a brake pad in steady sliding
J Behrendt, C Weiss, NP Hoffmann
Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (4), 636-651, 2011
Hydrodynamic supercontinuum
A Chabchoub, N Hoffmann, M Onorato, G Genty, JM Dudley, ...
Physical Review Letters 111 (5), 054104, 2013
Load-separation curves for the contact of self-affine rough surfaces
A Papangelo, N Hoffmann, M Ciavarella
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1-7, 2017
Subcritical bifurcation in a self-excited single-degree-of-freedom system with velocity weakening–strengthening friction law: analytical results and comparison with experiments
A Papangelo, M Ciavarella, N Hoffmann
Nonlinear Dynamics 90 (3), 2037-2046, 2017
Nonlinear time series analysis of vibration data from a friction brake: SSA, PCA, and MFDFA
NK Vitanov, NP Hoffmann, B Wernitz
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 69, 90-99, 2014
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Artigos 1–20