Debi Prasad Das
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IOP conference series: earth and environmental science
Y Zhang, Y Cheng, L Xia
IOP publishing, 2014
Active mitigation of nonlinear noise processes using a novel filtered-s LMS algorithm
DP Das, G Panda
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 12 (3), 313-322, 2004
Filtered-s LMS algorithm for multichannel active control of nonlinear noise processes
DP Das, SR Mohapatra, A Routray, TK Basu
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 14 (5), 1875-1880, 2006
Stock market prediction of S&P 500 and DJIA using bacterial foraging optimization technique
R Majhi, G Panda, G Sahoo, PK Dash, DP Das
2007 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation, 2569-2575, 2007
New block filtered-X LMS algorithms for active noise control systems
DP Das, G Panda, SM Kuo
IET Signal Processing 1 (2), 73-81, 2007
Particle swarm optimization based active noise control algorithm without secondary path identification
NK Rout, DP Das, G Panda
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 61 (2), 554-563, 2011
A novel method of extending the linearity range of linear variable differential transformer using artificial neural network
SK Mishra, G Panda, DP Das
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 59 (4), 947-953, 2009
Interpretation of mill vibration signal via wireless sensing
SP Das, DP Das, SK Behera, BK Mishra
Minerals Engineering 24 (3-4), 245-251, 2011
Fast adaptive algorithms for active control of nonlinear noise processes
EP Reddy, DP Das, KMM Prabhu
IEEE transactions on signal processing 56 (9), 4530-4536, 2008
Functional link artificial neural network applied to active noise control of a mixture of tonal and chaotic noise
SK Behera, DP Das, B Subudhi
Applied Soft Computing 23, 51-60, 2014
Fast exact multichannel FSLMS algorithm for active noise control
EP Reddy, DP Das, KMM Prabhu
Signal Processing 89 (5), 952-956, 2009
A computationally efficient frequency-domain filtered-X LMS algorithm for virtual microphone
DP Das, DJ Moreau, BS Cazzolato
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 37 (1-2), 440-454, 2013
Nonlinear active noise control for headrest using virtual microphone control
DP Das, DJ Moreau, BS Cazzolato
Control Engineering Practice 21 (4), 544-555, 2013
Functional link artificial neural network for active control of nonlinear noise processes
G Panda, DP Das
International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control 2003, 163-6, 2003
Performance evaluation of an active headrest using the remote microphone technique
DP Das, DJ Moreau, B Cazzolato
Proceedings of Acoustics 2011, 2-4, 2011
Nonlinear feedback active noise control for broadband chaotic noise
SB Behera, DP Das, NK Rout
Applied Soft Computing 15, 80-87, 2014
Particle swarm optimization based nonlinear active noise control under saturation nonlinearity
NK Rout, DP Das, G Panda
Applied Soft Computing 41, 275-289, 2016
PSO based adaptive narrowband ANC algorithm without the use of synchronization signal and secondary path estimate
NK Rout, DP Das, G Panda
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 114, 378-398, 2019
Development of frequency domain block filtered-s LMS (FBFSLMS) algorithm for active noise control system
DP Das, G Panda, DK Nayak
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
Adjoint nonlinear active noise control algorithm for virtual microphone
DP Das, DJ Moreau, BS Cazzolato
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 27, 743-754, 2012
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