Gabriela Gonçalves
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Role stress and work engagement as antecedents of job satisfaction
D Moura, AR Orgambidez, G Gonçalves
Stress and anxiety: Applications to social and environmental threats …, 2014
Organizational culture, internal marketing, and perceived organizational support in Portuguese higher education institutions
J Santos, GMR Gonçalves
Colegio Oficial Psicologos, 2018
Cultural intelligence and conflict management styles
G Gonçalves, M Reis, C Sousa, J Santos, A Orgambídez-Ramos, P Scott
International Journal of Organizational Analysis 24 (4), 725-742, 2016
Contribuição para a adaptação portuguesa da escala de Percepção de Suporte Organizacional de Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchison e Sowa (1986)
JV dos Santos, G Gonçalves
Laboratório de psicologia 8 (2), 213-223, 2010
Assessing environmental attitudes in Portugal using a new short version of the Environmental Attitudes Inventory
RB Domingues, G Gonçalves
Current Psychology 39, 629-639, 2020
Rape crimes reviewed: The role of observer variables in female victim blaming
MC Ferrão, G Gonçalves
Psychological Thought 8 (1), 47-67, 2015
Making sense of social robots: A structural analysis of the layperson's social representation of robots
N Piçarra, JC Giger, G Pochwatko, G Gonçalves
European Review of Applied Psychology 66 (6), 277-289, 2016
Passionate workers: A Spanish adaptation of the Passion Scale
A Orgambídez-Ramos, Y Borrego-Alés, G Gonçalves
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 30 (2), 43-48, 2014
Contribuição para a adaptação portuguesa das escalas de conflito trabalho-família e conflito família-trabalho
JV DOS SANTOS, G Gonçalves
Revista E-psi 3 (2), 14-30, 2014
Emotional recognition and empathy both in deaf and blind adults
AT Martins, L Faísca, H Vieira, G Gonçalves
The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 24 (2), 119-127, 2019
Portuguese mothers and fathers share similar levels of work-family guilt according to a newly validated measure
G Goncalves, C Sousa, J Santos, T Silva, K Korabik
Sex Roles 78, 194-207, 2018
Adaptation of the domestic violence myth acceptance scale to Portuguese and tests of its convergent, divergent, and predictive validities
JC Giger, G Gonçalves, AS Almeida
Violence Against Women 23 (14), 1790-1810, 2017
The impact of multicultural personality on tolerance of diversity in a sample of Portuguese university students
L Korol, G Gonçalves, M Cabral
Psicologia: teoria e prática 18 (2), 57-74, 2016
Adaptation and initial validation of the Passion Scale in a Portuguese sample
G Gonçalves, A Orgambídez-Ramos, MC Ferrão, T Parreira
Escritos de Psicología-Psychological Writings 7 (2), 19-27, 2014
A cultura organizacional: O impacto visível de uma dimensão invisível
JV dos Santos, G Gonçalves
Psico 41 (3), 2010
Empowering employees: a Portuguese adaptation of the conditions of work effectiveness (CWEQ-II)
A OrgambÃdez-Ramos, G Gonçalves, J Santos, Y Borrego-Alés, ...
Psicologia 29 (1), 1-10, 2015
Evidências métricas da adaptação da escala de inteligência cultural numa amostra portuguesa
C Sousa, G Gonçalves, M Reis, JV Santos
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 28 (2), 232-241, 2015
Portuguese adaptation of a faux pas test and a theory of mind picture stories task
L Faísca, S Afonseca, M Brüne, G Gonçalves, A Gomes, AT Martins
Psychopathology 49 (3), 143-152, 2016
Work-oriented men and women: Similar levels of work-family conflict and guilt yet different coping strategies
C Sousa, K Kuschel, A Brito, G Gonçalves
Psychological Thought 11 (2), 195-211, 2018
Validation of the Portuguese version of the Negative Attitudes towards Robots Scale
N Piçarra, JC Giger, G Pochwatko, G Gonçalves
European Review of Applied Psychology 65 (2), 93-104, 2015
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