Plant Management in the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley, Mexico1 J Blancas, A Casas, S Rangel-Landa, A Moreno-Calles, I Torres, ... Economic botany 64, 287-302, 2010 | 249 | 2010 |
Traditional knowledge and useful plant richness in the Tehuacán–Cuicatlán Valley, Mexico R Lira, A Casas, R Rosas-López, M Paredes-Flores, E Pérez-Negrón, ... Economic Botany 63, 271-287, 2009 | 156 | 2009 |
Agroforestry systems and biodiversity conservation in arid zones: the case of the Tehuacán Valley, Central México A Moreno-Calles, A Casas, J Blancas, I Torres, O Masera, J Caballero, ... Agroforestry systems 80, 315-331, 2010 | 118 | 2010 |
Manejo tradicional de biodiversidad y ecosistemas en Mesoamérica: el Valle de Tehuacán A Casas, A Camou, A Otero-Arnaiz, S Rangel-Landa, J Cruse-Sanders, ... Investigación ambiental 6 (2), 23-44, 2014 | 106 | 2014 |
Traditional agroforestry systems of multi-crop “milpa” and “chichipera” cactus forest in the arid Tehuacán Valley, Mexico: their management and role in people’s subsistence AI Moreno-Calles, A Casas, E García-Frapolli, I Torres-García Agroforestry systems 84, 207-226, 2012 | 105 | 2012 |
Influence of traditional markets on plant management in the Tehuacán Valley Y Arellanes, A Casas, A Arellanes, E Vega, J Blancas, M Vallejo, I Torres, ... Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 9, 1-16, 2013 | 99 | 2013 |
Ciencia para la sustentabilidad: investigación, educación y procesos participativos A Casas, I Torres, A Delgado-Lemus, S Rangel-Landa, C Ilsley, ... Revista mexicana de biodiversidad 88, 113-128, 2017 | 90 | 2017 |
Population Dynamics and Sustainable Management of Mescal Agaves in Central Mexico: Agave potatorum in the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley I Torres, A Casas, E Vega, M Martínez-Ramos, A Delgado-Lemus Economic Botany 69, 26-41, 2015 | 89 | 2015 |
Vulnerability and risk management of Agave species in the Tehuacán Valley, México A Delgado-Lemus, I Torres, J Blancas, A Casas Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 10, 1-15, 2014 | 80 | 2014 |
In situ management and conservation of plant resources in the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley, Mexico: An ethnobotanical and ecological perspective A Casas, S Rangel-Landa, I Torres-García, E Pérez-Negrón, L Solís, ... Current topics in Ethnobotany, 1-23, 2008 | 73 | 2008 |
Ixcatec ethnoecology: plant management and biocultural heritage in Oaxaca, Mexico S Rangel-Landa, A Casas, E Rivera-Lozoya, I Torres-García, ... Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 12, 1-83, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
Los agaves y las prácticas mesoamericanas de aprovechamiento, manejo y domesticación P Colunga-GarcíaMarín, I Torres-García, CJFU Alejandro Casas, ... Domesticación en el continente americano 2, 2017 | 68* | 2017 |
The genus Agave in agroforestry systems of Mexico I Torres-García, FJ Rendón-Sandoval, J Blancas, AI Moreno-Calles Botanical Sciences 97 (3), 263-290, 2019 | 62 | 2019 |
Traditional agroforestry systems and conservation of native plant diversity of seasonally dry tropical forests FJ Rendón-Sandoval, A Casas, AI Moreno-Calles, I Torres-García, ... Sustainability 12 (11), 4600, 2020 | 61 | 2020 |
Ethnobotany for sustainable ecosystem management: a regional perspective in the Tehuacán Valley A Casas, R Lira, I Torres, A Delgado, AI Moreno-Calles, S Rangel-Landa, ... Ethnobotany of Mexico: interactions of people and plants in Mesoamerica, 179-206, 2016 | 61 | 2016 |
TEK, local perceptions of risk, and diversity of management practices of Agave inaequidens in Michoacán, Mexico I Torres, J Blancas, A León, A Casas Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 11, 1-20, 2015 | 59 | 2015 |
Manejo y domesticación de plantas en Mesoamérica A Casas, F Parra, X Aguirre-Dugua, S Rangel-Landa, J Blancas, ... Una estrategia de investigación y estado del conocimiento sobre los recursos …, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Aprovechamiento, demografía y establecimiento de Agave potatorum en el Valle de Tehuacán, México: Aportes ecológicos y etnobiológicos para su manejo sustentable I Torres, A Casas, A Delgado-Lemus, S Rangel-Landa Zonas Áridas 15 (1), 92-109, 2013 | 55 | 2013 |
Estimating the spatial distribution of woody biomass suitable for charcoal making from remote sensing and geostatistics in central Mexico MÁ Castillo-Santiago, A Ghilardi, K Oyama, JL Hernández-Stefanoni, ... Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2), 177-188, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
Evolutionary ethnobotanical studies of incipient domestication of plants in Mesoamerica A Casas, J Blancas, A Otero-Arnaiz, J Cruse-Sanders, R Lira, ... Ethnobotany of Mexico: interactions of people and plants in Mesoamerica, 257-285, 2016 | 46 | 2016 |