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Virginie M. BoucherCIDETECEmail confirmado em cidetec.es
Stephen PickenTU DelftEmail confirmado em tudelft.nl
Rodney PriestleyEmail confirmado em u.northwestern.edu
Michael WübbenhorstProfessor of Experimental Soft Matter Physics, KU LeuvenEmail confirmado em fys.kuleuven.be
Xavier MonnierPackaging Polymer Expert @SidelEmail confirmado em sidel.com
Simone NapolitanoProfessor of Experimental Soft Matter Physics, Université libre de BruxellesEmail confirmado em ulb.ac.be
Beatrice RutaResearcher at CNRS, Néel Institut, FranceEmail confirmado em neel.cnrs.fr
Jaime MartínOportunius Research Professor at University of A CoruñaEmail confirmado em udc.es
Natalie StingelinGeorgia Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em gatech.edu
Natalia G. Pérez-de-EulateCIDETECEmail confirmado em cidetec.es
Sara MarinaPhD researcherEmail confirmado em polymat.eu
Luis M. Liz-Marzán (ORCID 0000-000...CIC biomaGUNE; Ikerbasque; Ciber-BBN; University of VigoEmail confirmado em cicbiomagune.es
Ralf BuschProfessor of Materials Science, Saarland UniversityEmail confirmado em mx.uni-saarland.de
Biao ZuoAssociated Professor of Chemistry, Zhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityEmail confirmado em zstu.edu.cn
Wolter JagerTechnische Universiteit DelftEmail confirmado em tudelft.nl
Jose A. PomposoIkerbasque Research Professor at University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)Email confirmado em ehu.eus
Simon HechlerWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universität des SaarlandesEmail confirmado em uni-saarland.de
Gustavo Ariel SchwartzCentro de Física de Materiales - CSIC - UPV/EHUEmail confirmado em csic.es
Jan van TurnhoutProfessor em. of Polymer Physics, TU DelftEmail confirmado em tudelft.nl
haritz sardonassociate professor UPV/EHUEmail confirmado em ehu.es