Noémie Bigras
Noémie Bigras
Assistant Professor, Département de psychoéducation et de psychologie, Université du Québec en
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Intimate partner violence in male survivors of child maltreatment: A meta-analysis
N Godbout, MP Vaillancourt-Morel, N Bigras, J Briere, M Hebert, M Runtz, ...
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 20 (1), 99-113, 2019
Disengaged parenting: Structural equation modeling with child abuse, insecure attachment, and adult symptomatology
J Briere, M Runtz, E Eadie, N Bigras, N Godbout
Child abuse & neglect 67, 260-270, 2017
Cumulative childhood trauma and adult sexual satisfaction: Mediation by affect dysregulation and sexual anxiety in men and women
N Bigras, MÈ Daspe, N Godbout, J Briere, S Sabourin
Journal of sex & marital therapy 43 (4), 377-396, 2017
Child sexual abuse, sexual anxiety, and sexual satisfaction: The role of self-capacities
N Bigras, N Godbout, J Briere
Journal of child sexual abuse 24 (5), 464-483, 2015
Childhood interpersonal trauma and its repercussions in adulthood: An analysis of psychological and interpersonal sequelae
C Dugal, N Bigras, N Godbout, C Bélanger
A multidimensional approach to post-traumatic stress disorder-from theory to …, 2016
Associations between childhood sexual abuse and sexual well-being in adulthood: A systematic literature review
N Bigras, MP Vaillancourt-Morel, MC Nolin, S Bergeron
Journal of child sexual abuse 30 (3), 332-352, 2021
Identity and relatedness as mediators between child emotional abuse and adult couple adjustment in women
N Bigras, N Godbout, M Hébert, M Runtz, MÈ Daspe
Child abuse & neglect 50, 85-93, 2015
Cumulative adverse childhood experiences and sexual satisfaction in sex therapy patients: What role for symptom complexity?
N Bigras, N Godbout, M Hébert, S Sabourin
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 14 (3), 444-454, 2017
Childhood cumulative trauma and depressive symptoms in adulthood: The role of mindfulness and dissociation
R Bolduc, N Bigras, MÈ Daspe, M Hébert, N Godbout
Mindfulness 9, 1594-1603, 2018
Childhood cumulative trauma questionnaire (CCTQ)
N Godbout, N Bigras, S Sabourin
Unpublished document, 2017
A longitudinal study of the mediating role of romantic attachment in the relation between child maltreatment and psychological adaptation in emerging adults
J Dion, J Gervais, N Bigras, ME Blackburn, N Godbout
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 48 (12), 2391-2402, 2019
It’s good to have you: The moderator role of relationship satisfaction in the link between child sexual abuse and sexual difficulties
M Baumann, N Bigras, A Paradis, N Godbout
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 47 (1), 1-15, 2020
Persistent and transitory sexualized behavior problems in children
K Ensink, N Godbout, N Bigras, J Lampron, S Sabourin, L Normandin
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 49, 621-631, 2018
Perceiving that one's partner is supportive moderates the associations among attachment insecurity and psychosexual variables
K Peloquin, N Bigras, A Brassard, N Godbout
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 23 (3), 178-188, 2014
Who am I and what do I need? Identity difficulties as a mechanism of the link between childhood neglect and adult sexual disturbances
N Bigras, M Bosisio, MÈ Daspe, N Godbout
International Journal of Sexual Health 32 (3), 267-281, 2020
All involved in the recovery: Disclosure and social reactions following sexual victimization
C Therriault, N Bigras, M Hébert, N Godbout
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 29 (6), 661-679, 2020
The Disorganized Response Scale: Construct validity of a potential self-report measure of disorganized attachment.
J Briere, M Runtz, EM Eadie, N Bigras, N Godbout
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 11 (5), 486, 2019
Présence attentive et traumas interpersonnels subis durant l’enfance
N Godbout, N Bigras, J Dion
La présence attentive (mindfulness): État des connaissances théoriques …, 2016
Childhood cumulative trauma and depressive symptoms in adulthood: The role of mindfulness and dissociation. Mindfulness, 9 (5), 1594–1603
R Bolduc, N Bigras, MÈ Daspe, M Hébert, N Godbout
Acute stress symptoms in seriously injured patients: Precipitating versus cumulative trauma and the contribution of peritraumatic distress
J Briere, CP Dias, RJ Semple, C Scott, N Bigras, N Godbout
Journal of traumatic stress 30 (4), 381-388, 2017
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