M.Kemal Gokay
M.Kemal Gokay
Prf.Dr. (Mining Eng, Dept., Konya Technical University, KTUN, Konya-Turkey)
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Color identification of some Turkish marbles
MK Gökay, IB Gundogdu
Construction and Building Materials 22 (7), 1342-1349, 2008
Cuttability assessment of selected rocks through different brittleness values
AE Dursun, MK Gokay
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49, 1173-1190, 2016
An approach to geometrical modelling of slope curves and discontinuities
A Turanboy, MK Gökay, E Ülker
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16 (4), 445-461, 2008
Effects of electrical resistance on the spontaneous combustion tendency of coal and the interaction matrix concept
OS Yildirim, C Sensogut, MK Gokay
Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, Mineral, Metallurgy …, 2006
Elektriksel direnc yontemi araciligiyla kaya maddelerinde sureksizlik duzlemlerinin belirlenmesi
N Bilim, I Ozkan, MK Gokay
(Determination of discontinuities at rock materials by electrical resistance …, 2002
Bulanik mantik yaklasiminin kaya siniflandirmalarinda kullanilmasi
MK Gokay
(Application of fuzzy logic approaches in rock mass classifications …, 1998
Diversity of electrical conductivity in a water-bearing rock material
MK Gokay, I Ozkan
17th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, IMCET-2001 …, 2001
Su iceriginin kayaclarin dayanimi ve elektriksel iletkenligine etkisi
MK Gokay, I Ozkan
(Water content of rock samples: Effects of water on rock samples’ strength …, 2000
Developing computer methodologies for rock engineering decisions
MK Gokay
PhD Thesis, London University, Imperial College, Department of Mineral …, 1993
Analyses of rock surface colour changes due to weathering
MK Gokay
Selcuk Univ. Journal of Eng. Sci. Tech. 6 (1), 1-13, 2018
Investigation the glazability of dimension andesites with glaze coating materials containing boron minerals in construction sector
G Sariisik, A Sariisik, MK Gokay
Materials and structures 46 (9), 1507-1517, 2013
Design: Relation with occupational safety in mines
MK Gokay, M Shahriari
8th International conference on safety and health, May 8-11 2006, (Fulltext …, 2016
Istatistiksel yaklaşım kullanılarak bazı kayaç özelliklerinden kesme kuvvetinin belirlenmesi, (Determination of cutting force from some properties of rock using statistical method)
AE Dursun, MK Gokay
Regional Rock Mechanics Symposium, ROCKMEC-2014, 335-342, 2014
Beton malzemelerde dayanim degerlerinin belirlenmesi icin hasarsiz yeni bir yaklasim: Elektriksel gecirgenlik yontemi
I Ozkan, N Bilim, R Sezer, MK Gokay
(Determining strength values of concrete materials by using electrical …, 2004
Dogal ortamda bozusmanin kayac rengine etkisi
MK Gokay
(Effects of natural weathering of rock masses on their colour appearances …, 2003
Yeralti maden ocaklarinda kullanilmak uzere gelistirilen cografi bilgi sistemi (M-GIS).
IB Gundogdu, MK Gokay
(Computerized location information system (M-GIS) developed for underground …, 2002
Contamination around abondoned Sızma (Turkey) mercury mine
A Guzel, MT Nalbantcilar, OS Yildirim, A Murathan, MK Gokay
1st International Workshop on Environmental Quality and Env. Engineering in …, 1998
Evaluation of the effect of vibrational wave propagation of different artificial discontinuous planes in rock samples
B Kekec, MK Gökay, N Bilim
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8 (8), 6399-6407, 2015
Correlation of rock brittleness and specific energy obtained from linear rock cutting tests
AE Dursun, N Bilim, R Comakli, MK Gokay
20th International symposium on mine planning and equipment selection, MPES …, 2011
Farkli kayaclar uzerinde olusturulan yapay titresim dalga hareketlerinin incelenmesi
B Kekec, MK Gokay
(Analyses of artificially originated seismic wave propagation in different …, 2010
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