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Olivine water contents in the continental lithosphere and the longevity of cratons
AH Peslier, AB Woodland, DR Bell, M Lazarov
Nature 467 (7311), 78-81, 2010
Water contents in mantle xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau and vicinity: Implications for the mantle rheology and hydration‐induced thinning of continental lithosphere
ZXA Li, CTA Lee, AH Peslier, A Lenardic, SJ Mackwell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B9), 2008
Hydrogen loss from olivines in mantle xenoliths from Simcoe (USA) and Mexico: Mafic alkalic magma ascent rates and water budget of the sub-continental lithosphere
AH Peslier, JF Luhr
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 242 (3-4), 302-319, 2006
A younger age for ALH84001 and its geochemical link to shergottite sources in Mars
TJ Lapen, M Righter, AD Brandon, V Debaille, BL Beard, JT Shafer, ...
Science 328 (5976), 347-351, 2010
Systematic iron isotope variations in mantle rocks and minerals: the effects of partial melting and oxygen fugacity
HM Williams, AH Peslier, C McCammon, AN Halliday, S Levasseur, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 235 (1-2), 435-452, 2005
Low water contents in pyroxenes from spinel-peridotites of the oxidized, sub-arc mantle wedge
AH Peslier, JF Luhr, J Post
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 201 (1), 69-86, 2002
Water in the Earth’s interior: distribution and origin
AH Peslier, M Schönbächler, H Busemann, SI Karato
Space Science Reviews 212, 743-810, 2017
Water in lunar anorthosites and evidence for a wet early Moon
H Hui, AH Peslier, Y Zhang, CR Neal
Nature Geoscience 6 (3), 177-180, 2013
A review of water contents of nominally anhydrous natural minerals in the mantles of Earth, Mars and the Moon
AH Peslier
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 197 (1-4), 239-258, 2010
Iron isotope fractionation and the oxygen fugacity of the mantle
HM Williams, CA McCammon, AH Peslier, AN Halliday, N Teutsch, ...
Science 304 (5677), 1656-1659, 2004
Fast kimberlite ascent rates estimated from hydrogen diffusion profiles in xenolithic mantle olivines from southern Africa
AH Peslier, AB Woodland, JA Wolff
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (11), 2711-2722, 2008
High water contents in the Siberian cratonic mantle linked to metasomatism: An FTIR study of Udachnaya peridotite xenoliths
LS Doucet, AH Peslier, DA Ionov, AD Brandon, AV Golovin, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 137, 159-187, 2014
Metasomatic control of water contents in the Kaapvaal cratonic mantle
AH Peslier, AB Woodland, DR Bell, M Lazarov, TJ Lapen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 97, 213-246, 2012
Crystallization, melt inclusion, and redox history of a Martian meteorite: Olivine-phyric shergottite Larkman Nunatak 06319
AH Peslier, D Hnatyshin, CDK Herd, EL Walton, AD Brandon, TJ Lapen, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (15), 4543-4576, 2010
The lithospheric mantle beneath continental margins: melting and melt–rock reaction in Canadian Cordillera xenoliths
AH Peslier, D Francis, J Ludden
Journal of Petrology 43 (11), 2013-2047, 2002
Os isotopic systematics in mantle xenoliths; age constraints on the Canadian Cordillera lithosphere
AH Peslier, L Reisberg, J Ludden, D Francis
Chemical Geology 166 (1-2), 85-101, 2000
Water disequilibrium in olivines from Hawaiian peridotites: Recent metasomatism, H diffusion and magma ascent rates
AH Peslier, M Bizimis, M Matney
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 154, 98-117, 2015
Water in Hawaiian garnet pyroxenites: Implications for water heterogeneity in the mantle
M Bizimis, AH Peslier
Chemical Geology 397, 61-75, 2015
Re–Os constraints on harzburgite and lherzolite formation in the lithospheric mantle: a study of northern Canadian Cordillera xenoliths
AH Peslier, L Reisberg, J Ludden, D Francis
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (17), 3061-3071, 2000
Trace element systematics and 147Sm–143Nd and 176Lu–176Hf ages of Larkman Nunatak 06319: Closed-system fractional crystallization of an enriched shergottite magma
JT Shafer, AD Brandon, TJ Lapen, M Righter, AH Peslier, BL Beard
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (24), 7307-7328, 2010
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