Ebrahim Taban
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Investigation of outdoor BTEX: Concentration, variations, sources, spatial distribution, and risk assessment
M Miri, MRA Shendi, HR Ghaffari, HE Aval, E Ahmadi, E Taban, ...
Chemosphere 163, 601-609, 2016
Sugarcane bagasse waste fibers as novel thermal insulation and sound-absorbing materials for application in sustainable buildings
S Mehrzad, E Taban, P Soltani, SE Samaei, A Khavanin
Building and Environment 211, 108753, 2022
Effects of Work-Related Stress on Work Ability Index among Iranian Workers
Vahid Gharibi, Hamidreza Mokarami , Abrahim Taban, Mohsen Yazdani Aval ...
Safety and Health at Work 7 (1), 43-48, 2016
Measurement, modeling, and optimization of sound absorption performance of Kenaf fibers for building applications
E Taban, P Soltani, U Berardi, A Putra, SM Mousavi, M Faridan, ...
Building and Environment 180, 107087, 2020
Experimental and computational investigation of sound absorption performance of sustainable porous material: Yucca Gloriosa fiber
P Soltani, E Taban, M Faridan, SE Samaei, S Amininasab
Applied Acoustics 157, 106999, 2020
Acoustic absorption characterization and prediction of natural coir fibers
E Taban, A Tajpoor, M Faridan, SE Samaei, MH Beheshti
Acoustics Australia 47, 67-77, 2019
Study on the acoustic characteristics of natural date palm fibres: Experimental and theoretical approaches
E Taban, A Khavanin, A Ohadi, A Putra, AJ Jafari, M Faridan, ...
Building and Environment 161, 106274, 2019
Use of date palm waste fibers as sound absorption material
E Taban, S Amininasab, P Soltani, U Berardi, DD Abdi, SE Samaei
Journal of Building Engineering 41, 102752, 2021
The influence of alkaline treatment on acoustical, morphological, tensile and thermal properties of Kenaf natural fibers
SE Samaei, HA Mahabadi, SM Mousavi, A Khavanin, M Faridan, E Taban
Journal of Industrial Textiles 51 (5_suppl), 8601S-8625S, 2022
Natural fibro-granular composite as a novel sustainable sound-absorbing material
SE Samaei, U Berardi, E Taban, P Soltani, SM Mousavi
Applied Acoustics 181, 108157, 2021
Comparison of acoustic absorption characteristics of coir and date palm fibers: experimental and analytical study of green composites
E Taban, A Khavanin, M Faridan, SE Samaei, K Samimi, R Rashidi
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 17, 39-48, 2020
The influence of personality traits and gender on noise annoyance in laboratory studies
MH Beheshti, E Taban, SE Samaei, M Faridan, F Khajehnasiri, LT Khaveh, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 148, 95-100, 2019
Relationships between job satisfaction and job demand, job control, social support, and depression in Iranian nurses
MBH Abadi, E Taban, N Khanjani, ZN Konjin, F Khajehnasiri, SE Samaei
Journal of Nursing Research 29 (2), e143, 2021
Sound absorption performance of natural fiber composite from chrome shave and coffee silver skin
DD Abdi, M Monazzam, E Taban, A Putra, F Golbabaei, M Khadem
Applied Acoustics 182, 108264, 2021
Experimental and mathematical survey of sound absorption performance of date palm fibers
E Taban, A Khavanin, AJ Jafari, M Faridan, AK Tabrizi
Heliyon 5 (6), 2019
Recent progress in natural fiber reinforced composite as sound absorber material
M Mohammadi, E Taban, WH Tan, NBC Din, A Putra, U Berardi
Journal of Building Engineering 84, 108514, 2024
Experimental and modeling investigation of the acoustic behavior of sustainable kenaf/yucca composites
SE Samaei, U Berardi, P Soltani, E Taban
Applied Acoustics 183, 108332, 2021
Waste corn husk fibers for sound absorption and thermal insulation applications: A step towards sustainable buildings
M Fattahi, E Taban, P Soltani, U Berardi, A Khavanin, V Zaroushani
Journal of Building Engineering 77, 107468, 2023
Nonwoven fabric coated with core-shell and hollow nanofiber membranes for efficient sound absorption in buildings
M Hajimohammadi, P Soltani, D Semnani, E Taban, H Fashandi
Building and Environment 213, 108887, 2022
Acoustic and thermal performance of luffa fiber panels for sustainable building applications
K Halashi, E Taban, P Soltani, S Amininasab, E Samaei, DN Moghadam, ...
Building and Environment 247, 111051, 2024
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