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John MavrogenesResearch School of Earth Sciences, ANUEmail confirmado em anu.edu.au
Oliver NebelAssociate Professor, School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, Monash UniversityEmail confirmado em monash.edu
Julian A. PearceCardiff UniversityEmail confirmado em cf.ac.uk
Stephen EgginsResearch School of Earth Sciences, Australian National UniversityEmail confirmado em anu.edu.au
Osamu IshizukaGSJEmail confirmado em aist.go.jp
Weidong Sun/孙卫东Chinese Academy of Science, Guangzhou Institute of GeochemistryEmail confirmado em gig.ac.cn
Antoine BénardMarie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow, University of LausanneEmail confirmado em unil.ch
Anders McCarthy, DrConsultantEmail confirmado em erdw.ethz.ch
Joerg HermannUniversität BernEmail confirmado em geo.unibe.ch
Carl SpandlerEarth Sciences, University of AdelaideEmail confirmado em adelaide.edu.au
Hugh St.C. O'NeillResearch Professor, School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, Monash UniversityEmail confirmado em monash.edu
Rosemary Hickey-VargasFlorida International UniversityEmail confirmado em fiu.edu
Bramley J MurtonEmail confirmado em noc.ac.uk
Philipp A. BrandlGEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research KielEmail confirmado em geomar.de
Frances Elaine JennerThe Open UniversityEmail confirmado em open.ac.uk
Jon BlundyRoyal Society Research Professor, University of OxfordEmail confirmado em earth.ox.ac.uk
Michael PerfitDistiguished Professor, Department of Geological Sciences University of FloridaEmail confirmado em ufl.edu
Dmitri IonovProfesseur de géochimie, Université Montpellier 2Email confirmado em univ-montp2.fr
Cornel de RondePrincipal Scientist, GNS ScienceEmail confirmado em gns.cri.nz
Joseph A ResingResearch Scientist Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and OceanEmail confirmado em noaa.gov