"Edson Amaro Jr" or "amaro jr, e" or "edson amaro" or "amaro, e"
"Edson Amaro Jr" or "amaro jr, e" or "edson amaro" or "amaro, e"
University of São Paulo / Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
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Study design in fMRI: basic principles
E Amaro Jr, GJ Barker
Brain and cognition 60 (3), 220-232, 2006
Application of hyperthermia induced by superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in glioma treatment
AC Silva, TR Oliveira, JB Mamani, SMF Malheiros, L Malavolta, LF Pavon, ...
International journal of nanomedicine, 591-603, 2011
Meditation training increases brain efficiency in an attention task
EH Kozasa, JR Sato, SS Lacerda, MAM Barreiros, J Radvany, TA Russell, ...
Neuroimage 59 (1), 745-749, 2012
Regional gray matter abnormalities in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a voxel-based morphometry study
AA Valente Jr, EC Miguel, CC Castro, E Amaro Jr, FLS Duran, ...
Biological psychiatry 58 (6), 479-487, 2005
The effect of negative emotional context on neural and behavioural responses to oesophageal stimulation
ML Phillips, LJ Gregory, S Cullen, S Cohen, V Ng, C Andrew, ...
Brain 126 (3), 669-684, 2003
Exomic variants of an elderly cohort of Brazilians in the ABraOM database
MS Naslavsky, GL Yamamoto, TF de Almeida, SAM Ezquina, DY Sunaga, ...
Human mutation 38 (7), 751-763, 2017
White matter microstructure underlying default mode network connectivity in the human brain
SJ Teipel, ALW Bokde, T Meindl, E Amaro Jr, J Soldner, MF Reiser, ...
Neuroimage 49 (3), 2021-2032, 2010
Subregional basal forebrain atrophy in Alzheimer's disease: a multicenter study
I Kilimann, M Grothe, H Heinsen, EJL Alho, L Grinberg, E Amaro Jr, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s disease 40 (3), 687-700, 2014
Misattribution of speech and impaired connectivity in patients with auditory verbal hallucinations
A Mechelli, P Allen, E Amaro Jr, CHY Fu, SCR Williams, MJ Brammer, ...
Human brain mapping 28 (11), 1213-1222, 2007
Acoustic noise and functional magnetic resonance imaging: current strategies and future prospects
E Amaro Jr, SCR Williams, SS Shergill, CHY Fu, M MacSweeney, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An Official Journal of the …, 2002
Neural correlates of anxiety associated with obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions in normal volunteers
D Mataix-Cols, S Cullen, K Lange, F Zelaya, C Andrew, E Amaro, ...
Biological psychiatry 53 (6), 482-493, 2003
Age-related gray matter volume changes in the brain during non-elderly adulthood
D Terribilli, MS Schaufelberger, FLS Duran, MV Zanetti, PK Curiati, ...
Neurobiology of aging 32 (2), 354-368, 2011
An fMRI study of verbal self-monitoring: neural correlates of auditory verbal feedback
CHY Fu, GN Vythelingum, MJ Brammer, SCR Williams, E Amaro Jr, ...
Cerebral cortex 16 (7), 969-977, 2006
Volumetric analysis reveals corticospinal tract degeneration and extramotor involvement in ALS
CM Ellis, J Suckling, E Amaro Jr, ET Bullmore, A Simmons, SCR Williams, ...
Neurology 57 (9), 1571-1578, 2001
Modulation of activity in temporal cortex during generation of inner speech
SS Shergill, MJ Brammer, R Fukuda, E Bullmore, E Amaro Jr, RM Murray, ...
Human brain mapping 16 (4), 219-227, 2002
Aging effects on whole-brain functional connectivity in adults free of cognitive and psychiatric disorders
LK Ferreira, ACB Regina, N Kovacevic, MGM Martin, PP Santos, ...
Cerebral cortex 26 (9), 3851-3865, 2016
Factors associated with lower gait speed among the elderly living in a developing country: a cross-sectional population-based study
TA Busch, YA Duarte, D Pires Nunes, ML Lebrão, M Satya Naslavsky, ...
BMC geriatrics 15, 1-9, 2015
Neural correlates of the misattribution of speech in schizophrenia
P Allen, E Amaro, CHY Fu, SCR Williams, MJ Brammer, LC Johns, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 190 (2), 162-169, 2007
Human attachment security is mediated by the amygdala: Evidence from combined fMRI and psychophysiological measures
E Lemche, VP Giampietro, SA Surguladze, EJ Amaro, CM Andrew, ...
Human brain mapping 27 (8), 623-635, 2006
Silent speechreading in the absence of scanner noise: an event-related fMRI study
M MacSweeney, E Amaro, GA Calvert, R Campbell, AS David, P McGuire, ...
Neuroreport 11 (8), 1729-1733, 2000
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