Avanish Bharati, Ph.D.
Avanish Bharati, Ph.D.
MSCA and GNeuS Research Fellow, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science
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Effect of the GO reduction method on the dielectric properties, electrical conductivity and crystalline behavior of PEO/rGO nanocomposites
A Malas, A Bharati, O Verkinderen, B Goderis, P Moldenaers, ...
Polymers 9 (11), 613, 2017
Effect of compression on the molecular arrangement of Itraconazole-Soluplus solid dispersions: induction of liquid crystals or exacerbation of phase separation?
A Singh, A Bharati, P Frederiks, O Verkinderen, B Goderis, R Cardinaels, ...
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2016
Nanoparticle-driven intermolecular cooperativity and miscibility in polystyrene/poly (vinyl methyl ether) blends
A Bharati, P Xavier, GP Kar, G Madras, S Bose
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (8), 2214-2225, 2014
Effect of compatibilization on interfacial polarization and intrinsic length scales in biphasic polymer blends of PαMSAN and PMMA: a combined experimental and modeling …
A Bharati, M Wubbenhorst, P Moldenaers, R Cardinaels
Macromolecules 49 (4), 1464-1478, 2016
Enhancing the conductivity of carbon nanotube filled blends by tuning their phase separated morphology with a copolymer
A Bharati, R Cardinaels, JW Seo, M Wübbenhorst, P Moldenaers
Polymer 79, 271-282, 2015
Poiseuille and extensional flow small-angle scattering for developing structure–rheology relationships in soft matter systems
A Bharati, SD Hudson, KM Weigandt
Current opinion in colloid & interface science 42, 137-146, 2019
The key role of polymer grafted nanoparticles in the phase miscibility of an LCST mixture
GP Kar, A Bharati, P Xavier, G Madras, S Bose
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (2), 868-877, 2015
Dielectric properties of phase-separated blends containing a microcapacitor network of carbon nanotubes: Compatibilization by a random or block copolymer
A Bharati, M Wübbenhorst, P Moldenaers, R Cardinaels
Macromolecules 50 (10), 3855-3867, 2017
Tuning the phase separated morphology and resulting electrical conductivity of carbon nanotube filled PαMSAN/PMMA blends by compatibilization with a random …
A Bharati, R Cardinaels, T Van der Donck, JW Seo, M Wübbenhorst, ...
Polymer 108, 483-492, 2017
An unusual demixing behavior in PS–PVME blends in the presence of nanoparticles
P Xavier, A Bharati, G Madras, S Bose
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (39), 21300-21309, 2014
A strategy to achieve enhanced electromagnetic interference shielding at ultra-low concentration of multiwall carbon nanotubes in PαMSAN/PMMA blends in the presence of a random …
S Bose, M Sharma, A Bharati, P Moldenaers, R Cardinaels
RSC Advances 6 (32), 26959-26966, 2016
Developing conductive immiscible polystyrene/polypropylene blends with a percolated conducting polyaniline/polyamide filler by tuning its specific interactions with the styrene …
A Bharati, P Hejmady, T Van der Donck, JW Seo, R Cardinaels, ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 137 (9), 48433, 2020
Effective lipase immobilization on crosslinked functional porous polypyrrole aggregates
A Bharati, K Bao Chi, D Trunov, I Sedlářová, A Belluati, M Šoóš
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 131362, 2023
Designing improved Super-Ionic Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium-ion Batteries
A Bharati, M Öhl, M Dulle, J Allgaier, B Förster, S Förster
90th JCNS Coordination Meeting, 2024
Can short, unentangled polymers be effective (self)compatibilizers in polymer blends?
P Moldenaers, R Cardinaels, A Bharati
ACS Spring 2022,, 2022
Chain-End Attraction Causes Excess Scattering in Simple Polymer Solutions
T Martin, A Bharati, K Weigandt, S Hudson
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, M18. 006, 2022
Can short, unentangled polymers be effective (self) compatibilizers in polymer blends?
A Bharati, R Cardinaels, P Moldenaers
Annual European Rheology Conference, Date: 2021/04/13-2021/04/15, Location …, 2021
Short, unentangled polymers can be effective (self)-compatibilizers in polymer blends
A Bharati, R Cardinaels, P Moldenaers
18th International Congress on rheology, Date: 2020/12/12-2020/12/17 …, 2020
Polymer Conformation Studies of Model Bimodal Polystyrene Blends in Solution
A Bharati, SD Hudson, K Weigandt
2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting, 2020
Elucidating Structure-Property-Dynamics Relationships in Multi-Phasic Polymer Blends for Energy Applications
A Bharati
2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting, 2020
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