Philipp Schindler
Philipp Schindler
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Hydrand: Efficient Continuous Distributed Randomness
P Schindler, A Judmayer, N Stifter, E Weippl
2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 73-89, 2020
A Wild Velvet Fork Appears! Inclusive Blockchain Protocol Changes in Practice: (Short Paper)
A Zamyatin, N Stifter, A Judmayer, P Schindler, E Weippl, WJ Knottenbelt
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2018 International Workshops …, 2019
RandRunner: Distributed Randomness from Trapdoor VDFs with Strong Uniqueness
P Schindler, A Judmayer, M Hittmeir, N Stifter, E Weippl
NDSS Symposium 2021, 2021
ETHDKG: Distributed Key Generation with Ethereum Smart Contracts.
P Schindler, A Judmayer, N Stifter, ER Weippl
Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2019/985, 2019
Hydrogen production within a polygeneration concept based on dual fluidized bed biomass steam gasification
M Kraussler, M Binder, P Schindler, H Hofbauer
Biomass and Bioenergy 111, 320-329, 2018
Agreement with Satoshi – On the Formalization of Nakamoto Consensus
N Stifter, A Judmayer, P Schindler, A Zamyatin, E Weippl
Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2018/4, 2018
Estimating (miner) extractable value is hard, let’s go shopping!
A Judmayer, N Stifter, P Schindler, E Weippl
International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, 74-92, 2022
Flux: Revisiting Near Blocks for Proof-of-Work Blockchains.
A Zamyatin, N Stifter, P Schindler, ER Weippl, WJ Knottenbelt
Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2018/415, 2018
On the usability of authenticity checks for hardware security tokens
K Pfeffer, A Mai, A Dabrowski, M Gusenbauer, P Schindler, E Weippl, ...
30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), 37-54, 2021
Pitchforks in Cryptocurrencies
A Judmayer, N Stifter, P Schindler, E Weippl
Data privacy management, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, 197-206, 2018
An experimental approach aiming the production of a gas mixture composed of hydrogen and methane from biomass as natural gas substitute in industrial applications
M Kraussler, P Schindler, H Hofbauer
Bioresource Technology 237, 39-46, 2017
Evaluation of NoSQL graph databases for querying and versioning of engineering data in multi-disciplinary engineering environments
R Mordinyi, P Schindler, S Biffl
2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2015
Echoes of the past: Recovering blockchain metrics from merged mining
N Stifter, P Schindler, A Judmayer, A Zamyatin, A Kern, E Weippl
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 23rd International Conference, FC …, 2019
Distributed Key Generation with Ethereum Smart Contracts
P Schindler, A Judmayer, N Stifter, E Weippl
CIW’19: Cryptocurrency Implementers’ Workshop, 2019
RandRunner: Distributed randomness from trapdoor VDFs with strong uniqueness, 2020
P Schindler, A Judmayer, M Hittmeir, N Stifter, E Weippl
URL http://eprints. cs. univie. ac. at/6629/1/2020-942. pdf, 2021
What is Meant by Permissionless Blockchains?
N Stifter, A Judmayer, P Schindler, A Kern, W Fdhila
Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2021/023, 2021
Blockchain: Basics
A Judmayer, N Stifter, P Schindler, E Weippl
Business Transformation through Blockchain: Volume II, 339-355, 2019
Opportunistic algorithmic double-spending: How i learned to stop worrying and love the fork
N Stifter, A Judmayer, P Schindler, E Weippl
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, 46-66, 2022
How much is the fork? fast probability and profitability calculation during temporary forks
A Judmayer, N Stifter, P Schindler, E Weippl
Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022, 467-477, 2022
H2 und CH4 Abtrennung aus dem Produktgas einer Zweibett-Wirbelschicht-Biomasse-Dampfvergasung mittels Druckwechseladsorption
P Schindler
Wien, 2015
O sistema não pode efectuar a operação agora. Tente mais tarde.
Artigos 1–20