Dong Ku Kim
Dong Ku Kim
연세대 전기전자공학부 교수
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Prototyping real-time full duplex radios
MK Chung, MS Sim, J Kim, DK Kim, CB Chae
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (9), 56-63, 2015
Ultrareliable and low-latency communication techniques for tactile internet services
KS Kim, DK Kim, CB Chae, S Choi, YC Ko, J Kim, YG Lim, M Yang, S Kim, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (2), 376-393, 2018
Nonlinear self-interference cancellation for full-duplex radios: From link-level and system-level performance perspectives
MS Sim, MK Chung, D Kim, J Chung, DK Kim, CB Chae
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (9), 158-167, 2017
Scheduling of real/non-real time services: adaptive EXP/PF algorithm
JH Rhee, JM Holtzman, DK Kim
The 57th IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. VTC 2003 …, 2003
Modified Paik–Mansour formula for ultimate strength calculations of ship hulls
JK Paik, DK Kim, DH Park, HB Kim, AE Mansour, JB Caldwell
Ships and Offshore Structures 8 (3-4), 245-260, 2013
RF lens-embedded antenna array for mmWave MIMO: Design and performance
YJ Cho, GY Suk, B Kim, DK Kim, CB Chae
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (7), 42-48, 2018
Performance analysis of the adaptive EXP/PF channel scheduler in an AMC/TDM system
JH Rhee, JM Holtzman, DK Kim
IEEE Communications letters 8 (8), 497-499, 2004
A new method for assessing the safety of ships damaged by grounding
JK Paik, DK Kim, DH Park, HB Kim, MS Kim
International Journal of Maritime Engineering 154 (A1), 2012
Smart small cell with hybrid beamforming for 5G: Theoretical feasibility and prototype results
J Jang, MK Chung, SC Hwang, YG Lim, H Yoon, TK Oh, BW Min, Y Lee, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications 23 (6), 124-131, 2016
Feedback-topology designs for interference alignment in MIMO interference channels
S Cho, K Huang, DK Kim, VKN Lau, H Chae, H Seo, BH Kim
IEEE transactions on signal processing 60 (12), 6561-6575, 2012
Compact full duplex MIMO radios in D2D underlaid cellular networks: From system design to prototype results
MK Chung, MS Sim, DK Kim, CB Chae
IEEE Access 5, 16601-16617, 2017
Multi-cell uplink-downlink beamforming throughput duality based on Lagrangian duality with per-base station power constraints
J Yang, DK Kim
IEEE Communications Letters 12 (4), 277-279, 2008
Analysis of pilot-aided channel estimation with optimal leakage suppression for OFDM systems
J Seo, S Jang, J Yang, W Jeon, DK Kim
IEEE communications letters 14 (9), 809-811, 2010
Minimum MSE design for multiuser MIMO relay
S Jang, J Yang, DK Kim
IEEE Communications Letters 14 (9), 812-814, 2010
Ultimate strength performance of Suezmax tanker structures: Pre-CSR versus CSR designs
JK Paik, DK Kim, MS Kim
Analysis and Design of Marine Structures, 205-216, 2009
The feasibility of interference alignment for full-duplex MIMO cellular networks
K Kim, SW Jeon, DK Kim
IEEE Communications Letters 19 (9), 1500-1503, 2015
In vivo genome editing with a small Cas9 orthologue derived from Campylobacter jejuni. Nat Commun 8: 14500
E Kim, T Koo, SW Park, D Kim, K Kim, HY Cho, DW Song, KJ Lee, ...
Molecular Therapy, 2017
Multivariated Bayesian compressive sensing in wireless sensor networks
S Hwang, R Ran, J Yang, DK Kim
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (7), 2196-2206, 2015
Interference alignment for uplink cellular systems with limited feedback
S Cho, K Huang, D Kim, H Seo
IEEE communications letters 16 (7), 960-963, 2012
Beam squint in ultra-wideband mmWave systems: RF lens array vs. phase-shifter-based array
SH Park, B Kim, DK Kim, L Dai, KK Wong, CB Chae
IEEE Wireless Communications 30 (4), 82-89, 2022
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