Osman Abul
Osman Abul
Department of Computer Science, University of Sharjah
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Never walk alone: Uncertainty for anonymity in moving objects databases
O Abul, F Bonchi, M Nanni
2008 IEEE 24th international conference on data engineering, 376-385, 2008
Anonymization of moving objects databases by clustering and perturbation
O Abul, F Bonchi, M Nanni
Information systems 35 (8), 884-910, 2010
Multiagent reinforcement learning using function approximation
O Abul, F Polat, R Alhajj
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2000
Improved benchmarks for computational motif discovery
GK Sandve, O Abul, V Walseng, F Drabløs
BMC bioinformatics 8, 1-13, 2007
Assessment of composite motif discovery methods
K Klepper, GK Sandve, O Abul, J Johansen, F Drablos
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-16, 2008
Privacy-preserving sharing of sensitive semantic locations under road-network constraints
E Yigitoglu, ML Damiani, O Abul, C Silvestri
2012 IEEE 13th international conference on mobile data management, 186-195, 2012
Hiding sequential and spatiotemporal patterns
O Abul, F Bonchi, F Giannotti
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 22 (12), 1709-1723, 2010
Hiding sequences
O Abul, M Atzori, F Bonchi, F Giannotti
2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshop, 147-156, 2007
Identifying elemental genomic track types and representing them uniformly
S Gundersen, M Kalaš, O Abul, A Frigessi, E Hovig, GK Sandve
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-17, 2011
Hiding sensitive trajectory patterns
O Abul, M Atzori, F Bonchi, F Giannotti
Seventh IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW 2007 …, 2007
A top-down k-anonymization implementation for apache spark
U Sopaoglu, O Abul
2017 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), 4513-4521, 2017
Cluster validity analysis using subsampling
O Abul, A Lo, R Alhajj, F Polat, K Barker
SMC'03 Conference Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems …, 2003
Knowledge hiding from tree and graph databases
O Abul, H Gökçe
Data & Knowledge Engineering 72, 148-171, 2012
Classification of nervous system withdrawn and approved drugs with ToxPrint features via machine learning strategies
A Onay, M Onay, O Abul
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 142, 9-19, 2017
Compo: composite motif discovery using discrete models
GK Sandve, O Abul, F Drabløs
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-14, 2008
Markov decision processes based optimal control policies for probabilistic boolean networks
O Abul, R Alhaj, F Polat
Proceedings. Fourth IEEE Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 337-344, 2004
Accelerating motif discovery: Motif matching on parallel hardware
GK Sandve, M Nedland, ØB Syrstad, LA Eidsheim, O Abul, F Drabløs
Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 6th International Workshop, WABI 2006, Zurich …, 2006
A utility based approach for data stream anonymization
U Sopaoglu, O Abul
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 54 (3), 605-631, 2020
From location to location pattern privacy in location-based services
O Abul, C Bayrak
Knowledge and Information Systems 56, 533-557, 2018
Finding differentially expressed genes for pattern generation
O Abul, R Alhajj, F Polat, K Barker
Bioinformatics 21 (4), 445-450, 2005
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Artigos 1–20