Jeongho Han
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Current opinion in medium manganese steel
YK Lee, J Han
Materials Science and Technology 31 (7), 843-856, 2015
The effects of the initial martensite microstructure on the microstructure and tensile properties of intercritically annealed Fe–9Mn–0.05 C steel
J Han, SJ Lee, JG Jung, YK Lee
Acta Materialia 78, 369-377, 2014
The effects of prior austenite grain boundaries and microstructural morphology on the impact toughness of intercritically annealed medium Mn steel
J Han, AK da Silva, D Ponge, D Raabe, SM Lee, YK Lee, SI Lee, ...
Acta Materialia 122, 199-206, 2017
The effects of the heating rate on the reverse transformation mechanism and the phase stability of reverted austenite in medium Mn steels
J Han, YK Lee
Acta Materialia 67, 354-361, 2014
The mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement in intercritically annealed medium Mn TRIP steel
J Han, JH Nam, YK Lee
Acta Materialia 113, 1-10, 2016
Coupled strengthening in a medium manganese lightweight steel with an inhomogeneously grained structure of austenite
CY Lee, J Jeong, J Han, SJ Lee, S Lee, YK Lee
Acta Materialia 84, 1-8, 2015
Multi-scale characterization of austenite reversion and martensite recovery in a cold-rolled medium-Mn steel
JT Benzing, AK Da Silva, L Morsdorf, J Bentley, D Ponge, A Dutta, J Han, ...
Acta Materialia 166, 512-530, 2019
Deformation behavior and tensile properties of an austenitic Fe-24Mn-4Cr-0.5 C high-manganese steel: Effect of grain size
SI Lee, SY Lee, J Han, B Hwang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 742, 334-343, 2019
Microstructural and mechanical anisotropy of selective laser melted IN718 superalloy at room and high temperatures using small punch test
A Rezaei, A Rezaeian, A Kermanpur, M Badrossamay, E Foroozmehr, ...
Materials Characterization 162, 110200, 2020
Fabrication of bimodal-grained Al-free medium Mn steel by double intercritical annealing and its tensile properties
J Han, SH Kang, SJ Lee, YK Lee
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 681, 580-588, 2016
The size effect of initial martensite constituents on the microstructure and tensile properties of intercritically annealed Fe–9Mn–0.05 C steel
J Han, SJ Lee, CY Lee, S Lee, SY Jo, YK Lee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 633, 9-16, 2015
Superplasticity in a lean Fe-Mn-Al steel
J Han, SH Kang, SJ Lee, M Kawasaki, HJ Lee, D Ponge, D Raabe, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 751, 2017
Crucial microstructural feature to determine the impact toughness of intercritically annealed medium-Mn steel with triplex-phase microstructure
MT Kim, TM Park, KH Baik, WS Choi, PP Choi, J Han
Acta Materialia 164, 122-134, 2019
Design for Fe-high Mn alloy with an improved combination of strength and ductility
SJ Lee, J Han, S Lee, SH Kang, SM Lee, YK Lee
Scientific reports 7 (1), 3573, 2017
Effects of cold rolling reduction ratio on microstructures and tensile properties of intercritically annealed medium-Mn steels
MT Kim, TM Park, KH Baik, WS Choi, J Han
Materials Science and Engineering: A 752, 43-54, 2019
Recovering the ductility of medium-Mn steel by restoring the original microstructure
MS Jeong, TM Park, S Choi, SJ Lee, J Han
Scripta Materialia 190, 16-21, 2021
Additive manufacturing of titanium-base alloys with equiaxed microstructures using powder blends
G Choi, WS Choi, J Han, PP Choi
Additive Manufacturing 36, 101467, 2020
Critical assessment 19: stacking fault energies of austenitic steels
YK Lee, SJ Lee, J Han
Materials Science and Technology 32 (1), 1-8, 2016
Improved strength of a medium-Mn steel by V addition without sacrificing ductility
TM Park, MS Jeong, C Jung, WS Choi, PP Choi, J Han
Materials Science and Engineering: A 802, 140681, 2021
Relationship between grain size and ductile-to-brittle transition at room temperature in Fe–18Mn–0.6 C–1.5 Si twinning-induced plasticity steel
SY Jo, J Han, JH Kang, S Kang, S Lee, YK Lee
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 627, 374-382, 2015
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