Dr. Dennis Juma Okello
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Influence of strategic innovation on performance of commercial banks in Kenya: The case of Kenya Commercial Bank in Nairobi County
L Lilly, D Juma
European Journal of Business Management 2 (1), 336-341, 2014
Investigate the effect of strategic plans implementation on performance in Kenya’s public universities. A case study of the University of Nairobi
NJ Kinyanjui, D Juma
European Journal of Business Management 2 (1), 161-173, 2014
The influence of conflict management strategies on employee satisfaction: A case study of KCB Bank Kenya limited, head office
DK Momanyi, D Juma
International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration …, 2016
Contingent rewards as a strategy for influencing employee engagement in manufacturing companies: Case study of Williamson Tea Kenya Limited
EM Jilani, MD Juma
International Journal of Business and Commerce 4 (5), 20-59, 2015
Influence of organisational culture on employee performance: a case study of east African breweries limited
RW Thuku, IO Abiero, D Juma
International Journal of Science and Research 14 (6), 1500-1506, 2013
The impact of outsourcing of logistics on the competitive advantage strategy of East African breweries limited
LB Kilasi, D Juma, PM Mathooko
International Journal of Social Sciences and entrepreneurship 1 (3), 521-529, 2013
Influence of strategic sourcing on procurement performance of kenyan commercial banks
CN Mutua, D Juma
The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management 5 (2), 1415-1445, 2018
Role of Balance Score Card on the Performance of International Schools in Kenya: A Case Study of Brookhouse Schools Ltd
B Ondogo, B Achieng, D Juma
International Journal of Thesis and Dissertation (IJTPD) 4 (4), 7-16, 2016
Influence of organizational culture on project performance
JM Ingosi, D Juma
A case of non-governmental organizations in Nairobi County, Kenya. The …, 2020
Influence of Recognition Practice on Employee Performance at Lake Victoria South Water Services Board in Kisumu, Kenya
FA Ondhowe, JM Kadima, D Juma
The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management 8 (1), 650-661, 2021
Effect of stakeholder participation on the efficiency of the procurement process in the public sector: a case of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
V Dacha, D Juma
Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management 5 (2), 1-28, 2018
Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction in Kenyan Multinational Companies: A Case Study of Laborex Kenya
WJ Kutol, D Juma
The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management 3 (4), 543-566, 2016
Effects of Bureauctratic Structures on strategic plan Implementation in the Kenyan Public Universities
DS Juma, JN Wachira
International Journal of Social Sceinces and Entrepreneurship 1 (3), 530-542, 2013
Effect of mobile banking strategy on customer satisfaction: A case of commercial banks in Ongata Rongai
RJ Chirchir, D Juma
Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management 3 (4), 2016
Determinants of Strategy Implementation at Libya Oil (Kenya)
KB Cherugutt, D Juma
The Strategic Journal of Business and Change Management 3 (4), 502-519, 2016
The role of contract monitoring on performance of construction contracts in county government of Busia
HO Onyango, D Juma
The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management 7 (4), 1298-1310, 2020
Influence of transport management practices on procurement performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. A case study of Butali Sugar Company Limited
MN Samita, J Kadima, D Juma
The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management 7 (4), 1075-1085, 2020
Role of gender communication on students’ academic behaviour: Survey of public secondary schools in Makadara sub-county Nairobi
M Ochola, D Juma
Int J Soc Sci Entrepreneur 1 (13), 366-85, 2014
Influence of distribution strategy on the international tourism demand in Kenya
EM Kyunguti, D Juma, BG Gathondu
Strategic Journal of Business and Change Management 6 (1), 75-90, 2019
Factors Affecting the Implementation of Self Sustenance Strategic Plans by Seventh Day Adventist Churches in Kenya
N Areba, D Juma
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2015
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