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Shmuel CarmeliProf. of ChemistryEmail confirmado em post.tau.ac.il
Yossi LoyaProfessor of Marine Ecology, School of Zoology , Faculty of Life Science, Tel Aviv UniversityEmail confirmado em tauex.tau.ac.il
Ray KerenTezza FoodsEmail confirmado em tezzafoods.com
Oded YardenThe Hebrew University of JerusalemEmail confirmado em mail.huji.ac.il
Dorothée HuchonProfessor of Zoology, School of Zoology & the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel AvivEmail confirmado em tauex.tau.ac.il
Markus HaberInstitute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre CASEmail confirmado em hbu.cas.cz
Joanna AizenbergHarvard UniversityEmail confirmado em seas.harvard.edu
Sven BeerProfessor of Marine Botany, Tel Aviv UniversityEmail confirmado em ex.tau.ac.il
Laura SteindlerAssociate Professor, Department of Marine Biology, University of HaifaEmail confirmado em univ.haifa.ac.il
Tal IdanWeizmann Institute of ScienceEmail confirmado em weizmann.ac.il
Joseph R. PawlikFrank Hawkins Kenan Distinguished Prof., Biology and Marine Biology, Center for Marine Science, UNCWEmail confirmado em uncw.edu
Steve WeinerWeizmann InstituteEmail confirmado em weizmann.ac.il
Russell HillProfessor and Director, Inst of Marine and Environ Technology, University of Maryland Center forEmail confirmado em umces.edu
Boaz PokroyTechnion Israel Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em technion.ac.il
Gitai YahelThe Faculty of Marine Sciences, Ruppin Academic CenterEmail confirmado em Ruppin.ac.il
Yitzhak MastaiDepartment of Chemistry and the Institute of Nanotechnology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900Email confirmado em biu.ac.il
Alexander LiberzonProfessor of Mechanical EngineeringEmail confirmado em tauex.tau.ac.il
Hermann EhrlichW3 Heisenberg Professor
Adi LavyIndependant Researcher
Joern PielProfessor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Micha Ilan
School of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences,Tel Aviv University, Israel
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