Margaret H. Szymanski
Margaret H. Szymanski
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Methods, apparatus, and products for identifying a conversation
PM Aoki, MH Szymanski, JD Thornton, DH Wilson, AG Woodruff
US Patent 7,617,094, 2009
Sotto voce: exploring the interplay of conversation and mobile audio spaces
PM Aoki, RE Grinter, A Hurst, MH Szymanski, JD Thornton, A Woodruff
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2002
Revisiting the visit: Understanding how technology can shape the museum visit
RE Grinter, PM Aoki, MH Szymanski, JD Thornton, A Woodruff, A Hurst
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2002
System and method for sharing and controlling multiple audio and video streams
JD Thornton, RE Grinter, PM Aoki, AG Woodruff, MH Szymanski
US Patent 7,574,474, 2009
Electronic Guidebooks and Visitor Attention.
A Woodruff, PM Aoki, A Hurst, MH Szymanski
ICHIM (1), 437-454, 2001
Re-engaging and dis-engaging talk in activity
MH Szymanski
Language in Society 28 (1), 1-23, 1999
Making work visible: Ethnographically grounded case studies of work practice
MH Szymanski, J Whalen
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Would you like to do it yourself? Service requests and their non-granting responses
E Vinkhuyzen, MH Szymanski
Applying conversation analysis, 91-106, 2005
System and method for providing communication channels that each comprise at least one property dynamically changeable during social interactions
AG Woodruff, PM Aoki, MH Szymanski, JD Thornton, DH Wilson, C Yu
US Patent 7,933,226, 2011
Cooperative learning interaction and construction of activity
RP Durán, MH Szymanski
Discourse processes 19 (1), 149-164, 1995
The mad hatter's cocktail party: a social mobile audio space supporting multiple simultaneous conversations
PM Aoki, M Romaine, MH Szymanski, JD Thornton, D Wilson, A Woodruff
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2003
Conversational UX design
RJ Moore, R Arar, GJ Ren, MH Szymanski
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2017
Sotto Voce: Facilitating Social Learning in a Historic House
MH Szymanski, PM Aoki, RE Grinter, A Hurst, JD Thornton, A Woodruff
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 17, 5-34, 2008
Limited social TV apparatus
PM Aoki, MH Szymanski, JD Thornton
US Patent 8,074,251, 2011
Classroom" families": Cooperating or competing-Girls' and boys' interactional styles in a bilingual classroom
J Cook-Gumperz, M Szymanski
Research on Language and Social Interaction 34 (1), 107-130, 2001
Where's the" party" in" multi-party"? Analyzing the Structure of Small-Group Sociable Talk
PM Aoki, MH Szymanski, L Plurkowski, JD Thornton, A Woodruff, W Yi
Proceedings of the 2006 20th anniversary conference on Computer supported …, 2006
The conversational role of electronic guidebooks
A Woodruff, MH Szymanski, PM Aoki, A Hurst
Ubicomp 2001: Ubiquitous Computing: International Conference Atlanta Georgia …, 2001
Computer application environment and communication system employing automatic identification of human conversational behavior
PM Aoki, MH Szymanski, JD Thornton, AG Woodruff, NB Ducheneaut, ...
US Patent 7,822,607, 2010
Conversation analysis of asynchronous decentralized media
JJL Bourdaillet, W Peng, T Sun, MH Szymanski
US Patent 9,330,422, 2016
Organizing a remote state of incipient talk: Push-to-talk mobile radio interaction
MH Szymanski, E Vinkhuyzen, PM Aoki, A Woodruff
Language in Society 35 (3), 393-418, 2006
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