X. Ben Wu
X. Ben Wu
Ecology and Conservation Biology, Texas A&M University
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Creating and restoring wetlands
WJ Mitsch, X Wu, RW Nairn, PE Weihe, N Wang, R Deal, CE Boucher
BioScience 48 (12), 1019-1030, 1998
Phosphorus retention in constructed freshwater riparian marshes
WJ Mitsch, JK Cronk, X Wu, RW Nairn, DL Hey
Ecological Applications 5 (3), 830-845, 1995
GIS-based spatial analysis and modeling for landslide hazard assessment in steeplands, southern Honduras
HL Perotto-Baldiviezo, TL Thurow, CT Smith, RF Fisher, XB Wu
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 103 (1), 165-176, 2004
Observation: long-term increases in mesquite canopy cover in a north Texas savanna
RJ Ansley, XB Wu, BA Kramp
Society for Range Management, 2001
Scale-dependent influence of topography-based hydrologic features on patterns of woody plant encroachment in savanna landscapes
XB Wu, SR Archer
Landscape ecology 20, 733-742, 2005
Fragmentation and changes in hydrologic function of tiger bush landscapes, south‐west Niger
XB Wu, TL Thurow, SG Whisenant
Journal of Ecology 88 (5), 790-800, 2000
Multiple-scale habitat modeling approach for rare plant conservation
XB Wu, FE Smeins
Landscape and urban planning 51 (1), 11-28, 2000
Differential influence of weather on regional quail abundance in Texas
AS Bridges, MJ Peterson, NJ Silvy, FE Smeins, X Ben Wu
The Journal of wildlife management, 10-18, 2001
Estimation of managed loblolly pine stand age and density with Landsat ETM+ data
R Sivanpillai, CT Smith, R Srinivasan, MG Messina, XB Wu
Forest Ecology and Management 223 (1-3), 247-254, 2006
Vegetation and water yield dynamics in an Edwards Plateau watershed
XB Wu, EJ Redeker, TL Thurow
J. Range Manage 54, 98-105, 2001
Spatial and temporal patterns of algae in newly constructed freshwater wetlands
X Wu, WJ Mitsch
Wetlands 18, 9-20, 1998
Utilities of edge-based metrics for studying landscape fragmentation
H Zeng, XB Wu
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 29 (2), 159-178, 2005
Wetlands and global change
WJ Mitsch, X Wu
Soil Management and Greenhouse Effect, 205-230, 2018
Soil water availability and plant competition affect the yield of spring wheat
L Song, FM Li, XW Fan, YC Xiong, WQ Wang, XB Wu, NC Turner
European Journal of Agronomy 31 (1), 51-60, 2009
Spatial variation of soil δ13C and its relation to carbon input and soil texture in a subtropical lowland woodland
E Bai, TW Boutton, F Liu, XB Wu, CT Hallmark, SR Archer
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 44 (1), 102-112, 2012
An initial exploration of a lacunarity-based segregation measure
XB Wu, DZ Sui
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 28 (3), 433-446, 2001
Human disturbances on landscapes in protected areas: a case study of the Wolong Nature Reserve
H Zeng, DZ Sui, XB Wu
Ecological Research 20, 487-496, 2005
Assessing resilience and state‐transition models with historical records of cheatgrass Bromus tectorum invasion in North American sagebrush‐steppe
S Bagchi, DD Briske, BT Bestelmeyer, X Ben Wu
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (5), 1131-1141, 2013
Spatial variation of the stable nitrogen isotope ratio of woody plants along a topoedaphic gradient in a subtropical savanna
E Bai, TW Boutton, F Liu, XB Wu, SR Archer, CT Hallmark
Oecologia 159, 493-503, 2009
Rangewide trends in landuse and northern bobwhite abundance: an exploratory analysis
MJ Peterson, XB Wu, P Rho
National Quail Symposium Proceedings 5 (1), 4, 2002
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