First Results from CUORE: A Search for Lepton Number Violation via Decay of C Alduino, F Alessandria, K Alfonso, E Andreotti, C Arnaboldi, ...
Physical review letters 120 (13), 132501, 2018
447 2018 Hadronic calibration of the ATLAS liquid argon end-cap calorimeter in the pseudorapidity region 1.6<| η|< 1.8 in beam tests C Cojocaru, J Pinfold, J Soukup, M Vincter, V Datskov, A Fedorov, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2004
354 2004 Searching for Neutrinoless Double‐Beta Decay of 130 Te with CUORE DR Artusa, FT Avignone III, O Azzolini, M Balata, TI Banks, G Bari, ...
Advances in High Energy Physics 2015 (1), 879871, 2015
212 2015 Performance of the ATLAS hadronic end-cap calorimeter in beam tests B Dowler, J Pinfold, J Soukup, M Vincter, A Cheplakov, V Datskov, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2002
148 2002 Construction, assembly and tests of the ATLAS electromagnetic barrel calorimeter B Aubert, B Beaugiraud, J Colas, P Delebecque, L Di Ciaccio, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2006
144 2006 Exploring the neutrinoless double beta decay in the inverted neutrino hierarchy with bolometric detectors DR Artusa, FT Avignone, O Azzolini, M Balata, TI Banks, G Bari, J Beeman, ...
The European Physical Journal C 74, 1-19, 2014
137 2014 Validation of techniques to mitigate copper surface contamination in CUORE F Alessandria, R Ardito, DR Artusa, FT Avignone Iii, O Azzolini, M Balata, ...
Astroparticle Physics 45, 13-22, 2013
113 2013 Accelerator-quality HTS dipole magnet demonstrator designs for the EuCARD-2 5-T 40-mm clear aperture magnet GA Kirby, J Van Nugteren, A Ballarino, L Bottura, N Chouika, S Clement, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 25 (3), 1-5, 2014
110 2014 ALICE technical design report of the zero degree calorimeter (ZDC) Alice Collaboration
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110 * 1999 Initial performance of the CUORE-0 experiment DR Artusa, FT Avignone, O Azzolini, M Balata, TI Banks, G Bari, J Beeman, ...
The European Physical Journal C 74, 1-7, 2014
108 2014 ALICE technical design report of the dimuon forward spectrometer ACP Cortese, A DE CARO
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103 1999 New, coupling loss induced, quench protection system for superconducting accelerator magnets E Ravaioli, VI Datskov, C Giloux, G Kirby, HHJ Ten Kate, AP Verweij
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 24 (3), 1-5, 2013
94 2013 Construction, assembly and testing of the ATLAS hadronic end-cap calorimeter DM Gingrich, U Schäfer, D Bruncko, W Cwienk, G Azuelos, R Othegraven, ...
JINST 2 (ATL-LARG-PUB-2007-009), P05005, 2007
94 2007 Performance of the ATLAS liquid argon endcap calorimeter in the pseudorapidity region 2.5<| η|< 4.0 in beam tests J Pinfold, J Soukup, JP Archambault, C Cojocaru, M Khakzad, G Oakham, ...
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82 2008 ALICE technical design report of the photon spectrometer (PHOS) ALICE collaboration, G Dellacasa
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65 1999 Search for 14.4 keV solar axions from M1 transition of Fe-57 with CUORE crystals F Alessandria, R Ardito, DR Artusa, FT Avignone III, O Azzolini, M Balata, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.2800, 2012
54 2012 Protecting a Full-Scale Magnet With CLIQ, the New Coupling-Loss-Induced Quench System E Ravaioli, H Bajas, VI Datskov, V Desbiolles, J Feuvrier, G Kirby, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 25 (3), 1-5, 2014
45 2014 CUORE opens the door to tonne-scale cryogenics experiments DQ Adams, C Alduino, F Alessandria, K Alfonso, E Andreotti, ...
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 122, 103902, 2022
42 2022 First implementation of the CLIQ quench protection system on a full-scale accelerator quadrupole magnet E Ravaioli, H Bajas, VI Datskov, V Desbiolles, J Feuvrier, G Kirby, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 26 (3), 1-5, 2016
40 2016 Characteristics of Russian carbon resistance (TVO) cryogenic thermometers VI Datskov, JG Weisend II
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