Dongwoo Lee
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Spectral descriptors for bulk metallic glasses based on the thermodynamics of competing crystalline phases
E Perim, D Lee, Y Liu, C Toher, P Gong, Y Li, WN Simmons, O Levy, ...
Nature communications 7, 2016
Novel mechanisms and simple locomotion strategies for an in-pipe robot that can inspect various pipe types
D Lee, J Park, D Hyun, GH Yook, H Yang
Mechanism and Machine Theory 56, 52-68, 2012
Crystallization behavior upon heating and cooling in Cu50Zr50 metallic glass thin films
D Lee, B Zhao, E Perim, H Zhang, P Gong, Y Gao, Y Liu, C Toher, ...
Acta Materialia 121, 68-77, 2016
Measurements of stress and fracture in germanium electrodes of lithium-ion batteries during electrochemical lithiation and delithiation
M Pharr, YS Choi, D Lee, KH Oh, JJ Vlassak
Journal of Power Sources 304, 164-169, 2016
Design of centimeter-scale inchworm robots with bidirectional claws
D Lee, S Kim, YL Park, RJ Wood
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3197-3204, 2011
Low-Temperature Synthesis of Ultra-High-Temperature Coatings of ZrB2 Using Reactive Multilayers
D Lee, GD Sim, K Xiao, JJ Vlassak
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (36), 21192-21198, 2014
Scanning AC nanocalorimetry study of Zr/B reactive multilayers
D Lee, GD Sim, K Xiao, Y Seok Choi, JJ Vlassak
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (21), 2013
High tensile strength of sputter-deposited ZrB2 ceramic thin films measured up to 1016 K
GD Sim, YS Choi, D Lee, KH Oh, JJ Vlassak
Acta Materialia 113, 32-40, 2016
Machine-learning-guided prediction models of critical temperature of cuprates
D Lee, D You, D Lee, X Li, S Kim
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (26), 6211-6217, 2021
Liquid-metal micro-networks with strain-induced conductivity for soft electronics and robotic skin
Y Park, J Jung, Y Lee, D Lee, JJ Vlassak, YL Park
npj Flexible Electronics 6 (1), 81, 2022
Electrical resistivity as a descriptor for classification of amorphous versus crystalline phases of alloys
D You, H Zhang, S Ganorkar, T Kim, J Schroers, JJ Vlassak, D Lee
Acta Materialia 231, 117861, 2022
First-principles theoretical studies and nanocalorimetry experiments on solid-state alloying of Zr–B
D Lee, JJ Vlassak, K Zhao
Nano Letters 15 (10), 6553-6558, 2015
Mechanical, electrical properties and microstructures of combinatorial Ni-Mo-W alloy films
K Kim, S Park, T Kim, Y Park, GD Sim, D Lee
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 919, 165808, 2022
Phase transformations in equiatomic CuZr shape memory thin films analyzed by differential nanocalorimetry
J Zheng, Y Miao, H Zhang, S Chen, D Lee, R Arróyave, JJ Vlassak
Acta Materialia 159, 320-331, 2018
Machine learning-based prediction models for formation energies of interstitial atoms in HCP crystals
D You, S Ganorkar, S Kim, K Kang, WY Shin, D Lee
Scripta Materialia 183, 1-5, 2020
Diffusion kinetics in binary CuZr and NiZr alloys in the super-cooled liquid and glass states studied by nanocalorimetry
D Lee, JJ Vlassak
Scripta Materialia 165, 73-77, 2019
Kinetics of solid-gas reactions characterized by scanning AC nano-calorimetry with application to Zr oxidation
K Xiao, D Lee, JJ Vlassak
Applied physics letters 105 (17), 2014
Ab initio study of H, B, C, N, O, and self-interstitial atoms in hcp-Zr
D You, S Ganorkar, M Joo, D Park, S Kim, K Kang, D Lee
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 787, 631-637, 2019
Combinatorial temperature resistance sensors for the analysis of phase transformations demonstrated for metallic glasses
H Zhang, D Lee, Y Shen, Y Miao, J Bae, Y Liu, J Schroers, Y Xiang, ...
Acta Materialia 156, 486-495, 2018
Kinetic role of carbon in solid-state synthesis of zirconium diboride using nanolaminates: nanocalorimetry experiments and first-principles calculations
D Lee, G Sim, K Zhao, JJ Vlassak
Nano Letters 15 (12), 8266-8270, 2015
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